Lip Enhancement Techniques

Lip Enhancement

However plump and youthful-looking one’s lips may be, the aging process can leave them looking thin and haggard. However, with the many Fort Worth lip injections and lip enhancement techniques available today, one can achieve full, voluptuous and natural-looking lips, regardless of what condition they may be in. The right lip enhancement can help one add or restore volume to their lips, including a smooth vertical line around the lips and mouth. Though surgical procedures such as lip implants are common, cosmetic surgeons are finding ways to make the treatments minimally invasive, last longer, and still able to achieve the natural look that patients want. Lip enhancements are suitable for people who are concerned by their thin, asymmetrical, or line lips. For such people, cosmetic treatments, such as lip injections can address their worries, giving them a freer and more confident smile.

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgeons can make changes such as refining the shape of flat lips and improving the symmetry between the upper and lower lips. There are several techniques employed by cosmetic surgeons that can change the lip appearance of individuals. They range from lip implant surgery to simple filler injections. Many first-time patients are advised to start with the temporary options before diving head on to the longer-lasting procedures. Examples include dermal filler injections, fat injections, and lip implants.

Dermal Lip Fillers

This method offers temporary lip enhancement at a relatively affordable cost. It’s a non-surgical procedure where hyaluronic acid fillers, for instance, Restylane and Juvederm products are used. When administered properly, dermal fillers can help one achieve smooth, natural-looking lips, lasting for about 4 to 12 months. A skilled cosmetic surgeon is able to adjust the amount of filler used in order to achieve results with precision. Depending on the specific product, dermal fillers can smooth perioral rhytids (vertical lip lines), and enhance lip shape. The treatments take only 20 to 30 minutes, and improvements can be seen immediately after the procedure. Side effects include mild bruising and redness in the area of injection.

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Fat Injections

Fat injections, also known as fat grafting, use fat from part of one’s body to fill the lips. Liposuction surgery is done on a different area of the body, which enhances the natural feel of the lips after the procedure is completed. There’s no need for incisions to be made on the face or lips. The procedure should be done by a qualified physician, who has had advanced training in fat transfer surgeries. A fat injection done right can achieve a full augmented lip contour that lasts for years. No repeat procedures are necessary. Moreover, the chances of allergic reactions are close to zero.

Lip Implants

For those patients desiring an increase in lip size with minimal maintenance, lip implants are the solution. It is a semi-permanent lip enhancement procedure that involves the insertion of lip implants through tiny incisions made at the corners of the lips. The implants are made of a soft, biodegradable substance or pliable silicone, and are inserted by a skilled cosmetic surgeon. The surgery requires local anesthesia and will last for about half an hour. With a maximum of 3 days downtime for the patients, the results can last for many years. Though it’s a safe procedure, it requires a skilled and qualified cosmetic surgeon to see it through. The implants are not suitable for smoothing lip lines and they can only be removed through surgery.

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