Condition Spotlight

When it comes to beauty, who knows better than Mother Nature? We provide tips on the purest natural personal care products that unite nature with luxury. We cover skin, hair, and beauty from the inside out, all designed to support lush hair and radiant skin.

5 DIY Remedies for Dry Skin

You know how frustrating it can be if you often struggle with flaky, scaly, itchy, dry skin. You may have even spent large amounts of money on fancy moisturizers, only to be disappointed with the Read More

5 Holistic Ways To Reduce Skin Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many skin issues, from acne and redness to premature aging. Implementing holistic approaches to reducing skin inflammation targets the symptoms and addresses underlying causes. Reduce skin inflammation holistically Read More

3 Tips for Winter Sun Care

Don’t pack away the sunblock with your swimsuit and other summer accessories: Winter’s sun is just as dangerous as summer’s. The snow reflects the glare of the sun—and the damaging UV rays—so even if you Read More

Common Concerns about Laser Hair Removal

The laser hair removal procedure is a common medical treatment that utilizes concentrated laser beams to target and remove unwanted hair. During the laser hair removal procedure, a beam of light is emitted, delivered and Read More

6 Things That May Be Causing Your Acne

Acne is a skin condition that is most associated with teenagers; however, it’s never restricted to growing teens, as acne can affect anyone, at any time. Indeed, adult acne can be a serious problem for Read More

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t shouldn’t be hard to make informed, safe choices when you’re buying your favorite personal care products, drinking water or feeding your family. but unfortunately it is.

The labels on many personal care products read like an xyz chart, with many ingredients masked in chemical names. If you are a typical woman, you use about 12 different personal care products (and over 100 individual ingredients) on your body every day. Those ingredients are easily absorbed through your skin and can find their way into your bloodstream. That wouldn’t be a problem if the ingredients were healthy and safe- but sorry for many products that is not the case.

A single exposure to a toxic chemical probably won’t hurt you, but over time, these exposures add up, both through repeated exposures of the same chemical, and a variety of different types of chemical exposures. We are here to help. We will provide tips on which ingredients to avoid and which ones are safe.