The Importance of a Well-Woman Visit


Are you worried about how menopause is affecting your health? Or perhaps you’re searching for the right type of birth control? It’s important to have regular well-woman visits so that any problems can be caught early. Well-woman visits can be scheduled annually, with your doctor or nurse and will help you to stay healthy.

This article will tell you all you need to know about a well-woman visit, including what to expect during your appointment. It’s a good idea to go prepared with any questions or concerns you may have.

What’s Included in a Well-Woman Visit?

The well-woman visit will include a full check-up focusing on preventive care. Services such as shots to prevent disease and health problems, screening, and tests to check for disease may be provided. You may also receive education or counseling to help you make informed decisions about your health and treatment options. Each well-woman session will be tailored to the individual woman.

What Happens During a Well-Woman Visit?

Each year, your well-woman visit will be an opportunity for you to focus on your health and well-being. Doctors and nurses have three main aims for a visit: they keep a record of your health history, give you a physical examination, and help you set health goals.

Your Health Will be Documented

The first part of the well-woman assessment involves questions about your health and medical history to determine if there are any areas for concern. You’ll be asked about your medical history and that of your family members. This is to determine whether you’re likely to need any preventative treatment or tests for illnesses that run in your family.

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You’ll also be asked about your sexual health and habits, as well as your sexual partners. This could be an opportunity to discuss any concerns or talk about birth control options.

The doctor or nurse will also ask about your lifestyle, and you could discuss things like eating habits, physical activity, and alcohol, tobacco, or drug use. You’ll likely be asked about any medicines you’re taking, and this will include supplements such as vitamins and minerals.

During a well-woman visit, you’ll also have the opportunity to discuss your mental health and will be screened for depression.

You’ll Be Given a Physical Exam

The next step in the well-woman visit is the physical exam. The doctor will examine your body and record vital signs. This is likely to include checks of your height and weight and a calculation of your body mass index (BMI) to determine if your weight is healthy. You’ll also have tests such as your blood pressure, and temperature.

The doctor or nurse will give you a clinical breast exam to see if there are any lumps or unusual changes. You’ll also receive a pelvic exam and cervical smear test. The doctor will check your vagina and feel around your pelvis.

You’ll Set Health Goals

At the end of the appointment, you’ll be allowed to set goals to improve your health or help you to stay healthy. If you would like to lose weight or stop smoking, you can work with your doctor to plan how you’re going to achieve this.

You may also be offered tests, screening services, or a follow-up appointment at the end of the well-woman appointment. You may also be referred to a specialist if you have any health concerns that need to be addressed.

Related:   Does Menopause Cause Forgetfulness?

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