What Should you Do During Dental Emergencies?


Medical emergencies can also be dental related. If you are ever in a dental, medical emergency, you should preferably call your dentist before 911 as they might be in a better condition to guide through the first aid. The general, family, and cosmetic dentists in Sterling, VA, are well equipped with knowledge, skills, and expertise to handle all forms of dental emergencies. The dentists can guide you on the step by step processes of conducting the basic first aid as you await further treatment. Dentists in the Sterling, VA region can be easily accessed by phone, text, or email, which helps in making the patients comfortable with the dentists before physically meeting the dentist. Some of the commonly experienced dental emergencies include toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, knocked out teeth, loss of crowns, and loss of fillings.


Toothaches are characterized by a sharp, throbbing, and dull pain experienced during the process of biting. It can also be an extreme lingering sensitivity when the tooth is exposed to extremely hot or cold foods and beverages. The toothache can also be as a result of a damaged or decayed tooth. The presence of a toothache indicates that the individual needs to undergo root canal therapy in order to eliminate the pain permanently. If you are experiencing a toothache, you should purchase the pain killers sold over the counter and analgesics as you await your dentist’s appointment. They will help in minimizing the pain and discomfort associated with toothaches. When drinking or eating, avoid chewing or touching the painful tooth.

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A broken or chipped tooth

A broken or chipped tooth is a dental emergency as it needs to be immediately cared for to prevent the surrounding area from getting damaged. Broken or chipped teeth are often characterized by sharp edges that can hurt other areas of the mouth. If you experience a broken or chipped tooth, you should find a clean piece of cloth or gauze, pour a substantial amount of orthodontic wax on it and bite it down. Afterward, you can purchase over the counter pain relievers or topical analgesics to aid in alleviating the discomfort and pain. Try as much as possible not to come into contact with the broken or chipped tooth when chewing.

Knocked-Out Tooth

In some instances, if the entire tooth has been knocked out; the tooth can be successfully replaced if the patient gets to the hospital in time. It is important to immediately contact your dentist or any physician specializing in family, cosmetic, or general dentistry when the tooth is knocked out. The first thing you should do is top the bleeding on the gums by getting a clean cloth or gauze, then biting it down to slow the flow of blood and eventually stop it. If any pain or headaches are experienced, you should use over the counter topical analgesics and pain killers to manage the pain and discomfort. Chewing using the affected area should be avoided at all costs.

Lost Filling/Crown

When a crown or filling is lost, there is a high probability that you cannot replace it. It is important to keep the fillings and crowns clean at all times. In case the fillings or crown becomes dislocated, the first step is attempting to reattach it using a little amount of adhesive specifically used to fix dentures. Pain killers and topical analgesics can be used to manage discomfort and pain.

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