Vitamins vs. Minerals: Understanding the Key Differences


According to a 2017 study, at least 31% of the U.S. population is anemic or deficient in at least one vitamin. Unfortunately, there are so many processed foods competing for our attention at the grocery store and in restaurants.

Usually, the cheapest options are also the worst for our health. Foods like french fries, chips, and frozen dinners can fill us up, but they don’t provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.

But what is the difference between vitamins and minerals? The average consumer isn’t exactly sure how either affects his or her health.

Learn more about vitamins and minerals to equip yourself with the knowledge for better health.

What Is the Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals?

The main difference between vitamins and minerals is that vitamins are organic and minerals are inorganic. We can find vitamins in any living thing, such as plants and animals. On the other hand, minerals come from the earth, and plants and animals then digest them. Because vitamins are organic, we can break them down using water, air, heat, light, and more. Minerals will always maintain the same structure.

Vitamins can be water-soluble or fat-soluble. Whichever they are, this determines how they absorb into our bloodstream. Some examples of water-soluble vitamins include B3, B12 and C. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and K.

Minerals are also separated into two categories: major and trace. We need around 100 mg or more of major minerals to support healthy bodily functions. We also need trace minerals but in a smaller amount. Major minerals include calcium, sodium, and potassium, while trace minerals include iron, zinc, and iodine.

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How We Use Vitamins

Vitamins are nutrients that help strengthen our bodily functions. Without them, we’re at risk of detrimental diseases. Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy, lack of vitamin A can lead to blindness and lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets.

Our bodies usually use vitamins by absorbing them from the food we eat. If you have a vitamin deficiency, you can also take supplements that carry a precise dosage of vitamins that you need.

You’ve probably seen immune system support supplements that contain vitamin C, and there are also popular vitamin D supplements from Vitabiotics. Before purchasing a vitamin supplement, be sure to consult with your doctor and read the instructions.

How We Use Minerals

Just like vitamins, minerals play an essential role in preventing health problems. Lack of calcium can cause bone deficiency and lack of fluoride can cause teeth deficiencies, to name a few.

A balanced diet will usually provide all of the major and trace minerals that you need. Similar to vitamins, you can also buy mineral supplements to account for the minerals you might not be getting in your food.

Choosing Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Your Body

So, what is the difference between vitamins and minerals? They’re very similar, but they come from different sources. It’s important to know that both vitamins and minerals are essential for your health, but they just perform different functions.

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