What conditions can physiotherapy treat?

physiotherapy is the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery; physical therapy

Most people are never aware that physiotherapy can be an effective form of treating several conditions most of which are very common among the population. Not known to most people is fact that all these options can be explored with your physiotherapist and one does not have to get a referral doctor. There is also no charge that comes with consulting physiotherapy on how the condition can be treated with physiotherapy.

Below are some conditions most people did not know that can be treated with physiotherapy

  1. Headaches

Physiotherapy can be used in treating tension and migraines headaches.  Up to 8.3% of Toronto residents do suffer from migraines.  This is a common condition which has been proven clinically to be associated with trigger points in the neck and head muscles.

Use of manual therapy like intramuscular release of the strategic muscles and Mulligan Concept can help in reducing the severity and frequency of headaches and in certain cases help in eliminating them.

  1. Vertigo

Physiotherapy can offer a great help when it comes to dealing with the vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common vertigo form. It is associated with mechanical issues   found on the inner ear.  Up to 25% of people at some point in their lives will at one point complain of vertigo symptoms. The problems can however be corrected using physiotherapy.

  1. Urinary Incontinence

This is another condition that can be treated using Toronto Physiotherapy Incontinence prevalence in Toronto is around 10% of the population. It means a good number of people do encounter some form of incontinence. UI can be caused by a number of issues such as surgery, childbirth, pregnancy and overall pelvic muscles weakening.

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However, physiotherapists can help the patients to reduce the UI symptoms by making the pelvic floor muscles stronger using pelvic rehabilitation.

Up to 50% of pregnant women do experience lower back pain during their pregnancy period. It can lead to any of the following conditions:

  • Change in posture
  • Increase in hormones
  • Gaining extra weight
  • Added stress
  • Change of the center of gravity of the body

Physiotherapists are also in a position of helping women to relieve all the four conditions reducing lower back pain. It is achieved by coming up with a comprehensive treatment plan which will address common lower back pain causes:

  • Flexibility
  • Joint alignment
  • Nerve involvement
  • Muscle strength

A physiotherapist will also come up with an individual exercise routine that will help make increase your muscle strength and physical endurance to help prepare and help in recovery after pregnancy.

  1. Pre and Post Physiotherapy

It does play an important role in helping reduce the accelerating energy and discomfort from surgery. For example, pre physiotherapy will always reduce after surgery thereby reducing the time needed for recovery.  According to recent research findings, a third fewer total knee replacement patients are in need of post acute physiotherapy services after they have undergone a small amount of pre operative physiotherapy sessions.

Post operative complications such as low back pain, nerve damage and brachial plexus stretch injury which are usually caused by positioning on the operating table can always be addressed by physiotherapy.  Performing post physiotherapy for patients suffering from breast cancer can help improve joint mobility and the quality of life of the patients.

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The best way one can find out if all these conditions together with others can be treated using physiotherapy is by contacting a physiotherapist for free consultation.  Performing physiotherapy can be a source of relief for most of the common medical conditions.

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