For Struggling Sleepers, CBD May Be The Answer

The pressures of modern life mean that many Americans do not get the sleep they need. According to the CDC, the percentage of people sleeping under 7 hours nightly is at least 28.5% in states like Washington and Oregon, but ranges up to 38% in the likes of New York and Georgia. Recent events have likely exacerbated this problem. A huge proportion of the population, these people may have poor sleep hygiene but others may simply need that extra nudge to get to sleep and then enjoy good quality rest. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has enjoyed a surge in popularity and product diversity as cannabis laws are relaxed nationally, which could offer one potential solution to sleeplessness.

The scientific basis

The potential of CBD is based on solid science. A 2019 study published in The Permanente Journal found that a month course of CBD dosage, appropriate to weight, improved measured sleep scores in 66% of patients with this improvement lasting over the course of a month. Linked to the reduction of subconscious anxieties, taking CBD oil helps to calm the nervous system; older scientific journals considered it a ‘sedative’ given the relaxing impact it has, even though it doesn’t work in this manner. Essentially, you are giving your mind a time-out so that you can enjoy a deeper sleep; in the long-term, this will mean less oxidative stress and an overall more positive experience at night.

Quality is key

How do you obtain a quality product? The crucial factor, according to Observer, is to look at the source of the plant used to create the oil. It’s really important that any oil you pick up is a natural product, derived from a plant source such as CBD flower. There are plentiful synthetic Cannabidiol proxies on the market, but these are often of questionable quality and source and can contain harmful compounds or metals. You can use the internet and independent certifications, such as from the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry, to make sure that you’re picking up a genuine product and not one that has been created in a laboratory from precursor chemicals.

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Correct dosing

As a substance that interacts directly with your cognitive system, CBD should be treated with caution at first dosage. CBD dosages are different for different conditions – for instance, when taken for arthritis your dosage may number in the hundreds of mg. For poor sleep and related anxieties, you need a far lower dose. Healthline are instructive on how to calculate this; according to their CBD overview, you should aim for small dose, perhaps 20mg, on the first day, and then incrementally increase your dosage by 5-10mg according to how your symptoms fare. Slow and steady really does win the race.

Applied correctly, CBD oil can be a potent sleep aid. It is a natural and soothing way to calm a mind, even if only for someone who has trouble sleeping and no other problems presenting throughout the day. As with all supplements, the key is to dose correctly and find the right quality.

1 Comment on For Struggling Sleepers, CBD May Be The Answer

  1. For those that have trouble sleeping, extracted cannabis oil is becoming increasingly popular across the globe. The main component, CBD, is also helpful for treating patients with PTSD, anxiety, and stress-related disorders that can contribute to lack of sleep.

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