Why Has CBD Become So Popular?

What are cannabinoids

If you frequently research alternative methods for treating ailments and illnesses, then you?ve probably seen CBD come up a lot. This fascinating cannabinoid has taken the medical and science fields by storm and the momentum doesn?t seem to be slowing down any time soon. As more people become aware of natural and alternative measures to treating medical conditions, among the many supplements and herbal remedies out there, CBD has made its way to the top of the list. With more than $200 million worth of CBD products sold in a year, one must wonder what makes this natural resource so popular?

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol CBD is a cannabinoid derived from the resin, leaves or flowering tops of two forms of the cannabis plant which includes marijuana and hemp. Unlike THC which is also found in marijuana plants, however, CBD is non-psychoactive. Its oil-like makeup makes it ideal to put in products ranging from CBD gummy bears and chocolate bars to soaps and creams.

What Are the Benefits?

Why are millions of consumers indulging in CBD products these days? These benefits may just explain its popularity:

  • You Don;t Get High – As pointed out previously, although CBD and THC come from the cannabis plant, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning you can?t get high from it as you would if you smoked a joint. Since there aren?t any high effects from consuming this product, it can be used by anyone at any age, any time with zero consequences.
  • It’s Legal – Though the US seems to be making big strides in the fight to legalize marijuana, it is still illegal in many states. The sell of CBD products, however, is completely legal. This means that consumers can purchase it no matter where they live without the need for a medical card.
  • Holistic Treatment – More people are turning away from pharmacy medication and looking for alternative measures for treating and maintaining their health. In that time, the idea of using the healing properties of plants has become increasingly popular. As CBD is created without the use of chemicals or heat, it provides a very natural method for treating a plethora of health issues without the side effects often caused by prescribed medications.
  • Promotes Emotional Balance – Mental health problems have also been on the rise in the US. For people who suffer from symptoms like those found in this post on paranoia vs anxiety, or other mental illnesses like depression, finding a means of relief is vital. Though more patients are speaking up and getting help, that help tends to come in the form of taking medication. Those looking for an alternative solution have sought CBD as it has chemical properties that help to rebalance the mind and body. As it interacts with receptors in the brain it generates activity in the limbic and paralimbic areas which help control mood.
  • Relieves Pain – One of the most common reasons that people turn to CBD products is its ability to relieve pain. Once in the bloodstream, CBD interacts with receptors in the body that help to reduce inflammation which is a key trigger for pain. Patients suffering from cancer, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and other painful ailments have found that regularly using the CBD products keep pain at bay.
  • Fight Cancer – There has been an increasing amount of research on CBD and its effect on cancer patients. Although most research is still in pre-clinical trial stages, researchers have found that CBD has the ability to kill tumor cells and/or prevent them from spreading.
  • Better Sleep – There are a number of reasons that a person might have a hard time getting to sleep. Some of the most common are stress, anxiety, and pain. As you read above, CBD can be used to treat all of these conditions, therefore, eliminating the core cause of your restlessness.
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According to Forbes, cannabidiol sales are projected to increase by 700% no later than the year 2020. Consumers are catching on to this super compound found in the marijuana and hemp plant. It?s healing properties are plentiful and research continues to discover even more. As more people look to put good into their bodies as a means of truly healing and extending their life expectancy, the popularity of CBD will continue to increase. If you?re suffering from any of the ailments listed above, talk with your doctor about potentially using alternative measures like CBD to treat it. It may just be the natural alternative you were looking for.

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