What Does an Archetypal Alcohol Rehab Look Like?

Deciding to visit a rehab center is often under an intervention. The drug addict wants help but feels frightened by the thought of losing mental control, bodily control, or even the control over alcohol. To lessen anxiety, it can be helpful if the victim tries to understand what happens in a rehabilitation center.

Rehabilitation for alcohol abuse, drug abuse and addiction is usually designed to help people recover from their dependencies. Committing to a rehab program can involve working with professionals and following tips provided in a alcohol abuse guide. This rehab program includes therapies, counseling sessions, as well as group meetings about the risks of consuming drugs and drinking alcohol.

8 A.M. -Wake Up Time

Inpatient rehabilitation programs often require patients to wake up at 8.00 am. Waking up at a specific time helps add structure plus predictability to the day. Besides, set bedtimes, as well as wake-up times, can go a long way in improving the overall quality of sleep.

8:30 A.M. –Time for Breakfast

When participating in a drug addiction treatment program, foods are often provided on-site. Patients battling with addiction usually neglect their nutrition. Consuming healthy meals at frequently scheduled times helps boost your overall recovery from substance addiction while also improving your overall health.

9:30 A.M. – Individual Counseling

Individual therapy is the backbone of drug addiction recovery. During the early stages of treatment, you might have therapy daily. Your physician might utilize various types of therapies to help treat your addiction issues. Even more, therapists will address certain mental disorders, help you manage stress, and assist you to learn effective ways of adapting to life without drugs and alcohol. Contingency Management (CM), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and family therapy are some of the most commonly used treatments for substance abuse disorders.

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11 A.M. – Group Discussion

At 11 am, you’ll be required to attend a group therapy, where you learn from friends participating in the recovery process. Research shows that those who take part in group therapy tend to maintain abstinence from alcohol and other drugs for longer periods.

12 P.M. – Lunchtime

Inpatient treatment programs usually provide meals in a family-style or cafeteria setting. Proper nutrition helps to recover patients to maintain physical health.

2 P.M. – Personal Time

With residential treatment, you’re given some free time, but this doesn’t mean that you engage in substance use. Entertainment is usually provided. So, you can socialize with your peers or take time to participate in hobbies you enjoy like reading, painting, or journaling.

3 P.M. – Complementary Therapies

Treatment programs focused on addiction recovery usually adopt a holistic approach, incorporating numerous treatment strategies into the overall care plan. Yoga, massage, and addiction can be extremely helpful for some people. That’s why most inpatient rehabilitation programs provide time for patients to take part in complementary therapies.

4 P.M. – Fitness

Exercising stimulates the production of endorphins within the brain, hence boosting the patient’s mood and reducing cravings. Some treatment facilities provide fitness centers, tennis courts, basketball courts, and swimming pools, where recovering patients can exercise at 4 pm. Other facilities might even include sessions with a fitness trainer or a personal instructor as part of their treatment offerings.

6 P.M. – Dining Time

Within a rehab treatment facility, the diner is often taken at around 6 pm. This provides time for positive socialization and a perfect chance to connect with other patients in recovery.

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8 P.M. – Group Therapy

Community support is another important segment of residential treatment. Group discussions allow people to share their experiences with other patients going through the recovery process.

9 P.M. – Free Time

This time is usually spent on socializing, reading, watching television, or engaging in other fun activities.

10 P.M. – Bedtime

When recovering from addiction, it’s very important to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Getting enough sleep allows the body to heal and maintaining regular sleep plus wake up times ensures that you stay healthier.

The Bottom-Line

Inpatient rehabilitation often integrates numerous services, including individual therapy, group therapy, group field trips, entertainment, and fitness activities.

The following is a typical schedule that one would expect in an inpatient rehab treatment program


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