5 Tips for Recovering from Hernia Surgery

Whatever the cause, getting a hernia can be taxing – both physically and emotionally. When it’s decided that a surgical procedure is the best course of action for dealing with a hernia, the road to recovery can be as daunting as the condition itself.

Fortunately, there are ways to make the recovery process easier. Here are five tips for recovering from hernia surgery to help you get back to full health.

Know the Signs of Failure

Unfortunately, hernia surgery doesn’t always go as planned. Depending on your unique physical qualities, the cause of the hernia, and the procedure used, you may be at risk for rejection. 

For example, hernia mesh plugs or patches are commonly used in corrective procedures. If done improperly, the body can reject the mesh. However, it’s not always caused by poor medicinal practices; some bodies just react negatively, and it can take years for the issues to become apparent. Knowing the signs of rejection will help you take action quickly. These signs and symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Fever or chills
  • Discharge or inflammation near the incision site
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abscess or fistula growth near the incision site

If any of these symptoms arise, seek medical attention immediately. If your problem has gone beyond this point and posed a significant threat to your well-being, you may be valid for compensation. You can get more info on hernia mesh lawsuits and seek legal guidance regarding recompensation. 

Get Ample Rest

Your body does its best healing when you’re asleep. Getting ample rest is essential in the weeks following your surgery. Be sure to take some time to put your feet up and relax, even if you’re not feeling tired. Plan on spending the first few days home in bed with your favorite show or a good book.

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After the first week or so, it’s good to move around a bit. Walking is a great form of low-impact exercise that will help get your blood flowing and promote further healing. Don’t push it too hard and listen to your body during this time.

Don’t Lift Things

You’ve probably been told time and time again that you are not to lift heavy objects in the weeks following your surgery. This is perhaps the most important aspect of the recovery process. While ten pounds may not feel heavy to you, it will feel heavy to your incision. It’s important to follow the guidelines set out for you by your physician.

When you start lifting items again, practice proper lifting form: engage your core and bend at your knees, keeping your back neutral. 

Build a Comfortable Environment

Having a lot of pillows around not only helps you reposition and get comfortable when you’re restricted to your bed, but it can also help with moving around. Holding a pillow to your abdomen can create a tangible feeling of support as you sit up. Additionally, it can apply counterpressure to your incision site if you feel an oncoming sneeze.

At this time, wearing loose clothing will also help you rest and heal. Wear loose clothing free of buttons and zippers, opting for a drawstring or soft elastic waistbands when possible. This will help you relax and reduce the chance of irritation on the incision site. 

Ask for Help

Plan on having someone around to help you during the first few days, aiding with your mobility and to drive you to any follow-up appointments. Many patients struggle with the idea of seeming weak or in pain in front of others, but asking for help during the early days will help restore your independence sooner and keep your path to health on track.

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If any concerns arise, discuss them with your medical provider immediately. Follow the guidelines they set out for you and listen to your body. 


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