Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight in a Relationship

are you concerned about gaining weight in your new relationship?

Love pounds’ is a thing – is your partner guilty of it?

Being in a relationship has its ups and downs but one thing that can keep going up and up is the numbers on the scale. Gaining weight in a relationship is a real thing that cannot just be attributed to one aspect. It’s an amalgamation of subconscious behaviors and mind frames of both parties. One reason for this is that, for most people, appearance becomes less important when you’re in a relationship, and many forget to watch their weight once they settle down.

In other words, you are most likely to engage in unhealthy eating choices when you’re with the person you love. Though the number of pounds varies from person to person and relationship to relationship, adding on some “love pounds” (1) seems to be the case especially in happy relationships. If you’re seeking weight loss, there are ways to avoid it without compromising the health of your relationship.

How partner eating standards impact gaining weight

Often, you and your partner might require different amounts of food to function, especially if they have a fast metabolism and they work out often, while you don’t. Trying to match your loved one drink for drink and going for second helpings may not be a smart idea. Men and women usually expend energy in different ways, depending on the physical activities they engage in. If your partner can jam tons of hamburgers and hot dogs, and still maintain their size without working out, don’t hold yourself to the same standard. Listen to your body, eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re full. Try to be aware of the differences between your own eating habits and that of your partner. Discuss the food culture at home, set boundaries and compromise so that both of you are happy.

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Doing Activities Together

Upping your exercise regimen can help offset some of that weight, and it’s recommended that couples be active together. If both of you cannot come to an agreement on whether to cozy up in bed or go out for a run, agree to meet each other halfway. Exercising together is not only healthy for your body, but it also adds a fun element to the relationship.

Cooking together is a great way to discover new favorites, save on cost, and spend time with each other to grow the relationship (2). You can go to a restaurant once in a while but be aware of what it can do to your wallet and waistline. Cooking together gives you an opportunity to come up with your own healthy recipes and share nutritional knowledge. It’s also a fun activity to do together.

Eating Habits

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, zoning out while eating is one habit that contributes to weight gain. Mindful eating (3) is encouraged to not only get in tune with your body but also savor the food with all senses and get the most enjoyment out of it. Focus on the food and on each other, not on the TV. Also ensure you eat in the kitchen or in the dining room, not in bed or on the couch.

As a couple, you’ll have to strike a balance between indulging yourselves and ensuring you’ve had healthy meals. The most important thing is to be upfront with each other about your health goals so that the relationship serves both partners in the long run.

Related:   Another Strike for the Western Diet

(1) Gained weight? It could be down to your happy relationship…

(2) Why Cooking Together Is A Relationship Maker (Especially Now!)

(3) Mindful Eating: The Art of Presence While You Eat

Cara Lucas

InnoVision Health Media reports on health content that is supported by our editorial advisory board and content published in our group of peer reviewed medical journals.

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