7 Amazing Health Benefits of Strawberries


Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits. Known for its bright red color, aroma and delicious taste, they are used in many food preparations such as jams, milkshakes, chocolates and ice creams. The garden strawberries were first cultivated in Brittany, France. The juicy fruit is not only delicious but also loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. This seasonal fruit is also rich in polyphenols, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamins. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of including them in your diet.

A serving of  just eight strawberries packs a nutritional punch and counts as one of your servings of fruit and vegetables!

Strawberries give you a lot of nutritional value for very few calories, they’re tasty but naturally low in sugar. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat. Strawberries are a great source of fiber and several other important vitamins and minerals, including manganese, potassium and folic acid. And strawberries have less natural sugar than other popular fruits such as apples and bananas.

Improves brain function

Strawberries are rich in phytochemicals and vitamin C, which neutralize the effect of free radicals. The brain activity gets affected by the free radicals and consuming strawberries can help in avoiding the effects of the oxidants. The fruit also contains iodine, which helps in proper brain functioning. Potassium present in strawberries improves blood circulation in the brain, enhancing cognitive function.

Boosts immunity

Loaded with vitamin C, strawberries improves your immunity. 51.5 mg of vitamin C, which is an immunity booster, is present in a single serving. You can have one cup of strawberry to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C.

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Improves heart health

Strawberries protect your health as it is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. The antioxidants called anthocyanins help in keeping the arteries plaque-free by protecting the lining of the arteries. Blood pressure is also regulated by it.

Helps in burning fat stored in your body

Anthocyanins, which is the antioxidants responsible for the red color, promotes burning of fat that is stored in your body. A study was conducted in which one group of animals was given anthocyanin with a high-fat diet and the other group was given only high-fat food. 24 percent less weight gain was observed in the group, which was fed anthocyanin with a high-fat diet, as compared to the group, which did not get any anthocyanin.

Reduces hypertension

Strawberries help in lowering the high blood pressure as it contains magnesium and potassium. Potassium is a know vasodilator and it lowers the blood pressure by reducing the rigidity of the blood vessels and arteries and eases the blood flow.

Promotes vision health

Strawberries help in preventing macular degeneration and other eye issues as it is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants fight the free radicals, which causes damage to eyes. Strawberries will also help in fixing the problem of pressure in the eyes, ocular pressure. Potassium present in strawberries helps in regulating the pressure in your eyes.

Fights inflammation

Strawberries can also fight inflammation, thanks to the presence of phytochemicals and antioxidants. According to a study by Harvard School of Public Health, the level of C-reactive protein (CRP, an indicator of inflammation) was 14 percent less likely to increase in women who consumed 16 or more strawberries in a week.

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Check out some of our ways to include this delicious fruit in your diet and stay healthy.

Caralin Walsh

InnoVision Health Media reports on health content that is supported by our editorial advisory board and content published in our group of peer reviewed medical journals.

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