3 Things to Look for in a Quality Malpractice Firm

When choosing a quality malpractice firm, the primary consideration to consider is who the lawyers are that work within it. Medical malpractice cases are among the most complex of all personal injury claims due to everything from lots of medical terminologies to advanced scientific theories. Because as a society, most of us instinctively trust our physicians, that trust makes it even more challenging to prove negligence even when the jury is neutral. 

This is likely the reason that a survey by Nolo.com found that just 12% of its readers managed to get a payout via court awards or settlements. Chances improved when they hired a lawyer, filed a lawsuit, or sent a demand letter. That means your best odds are not only to hire an attorney but to choose one within a quality malpractice firm that will do the job right.

Here are three of the most important things to look for, whether you’re searching through Wilkes-Barre law firms or anywhere else in the country to make the best decision possible.

Competent, Experienced Lawyers

A quality malpractice law firm obviously must have competent and experienced lawyers. The most successful firms tend to have attorneys with varied specialized expertise. It’s essential to interview individual lawyers and ask about their medical malpractice experience, as well as if they have experience in a case similar to yours. If they’ve handled similar cases, what is their success rate?

A Commitment to Quality

The best malpractice firms understand the importance of quality in every aspect, such as having lawyers who know how to communicate well and can be sensitive to client needs and concerns. A lawyer and his or her staff who responds promptly to inquiries is a must. During the process of searching for the right firm and the right lawyer, you’ll want to test response time by emailing the office soon after an initial visit. If you receive a quick response with the appropriate answers you were seeking, that’s a good sign. However, if you don’t hear anything after more than a day or two, it’s probably time to look elsewhere.

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References and Background Checks

Before choosing any malpractice firm or particular lawyer, it’s highly encouraged to request references for the best chance at a positive outcome and an overall positive experience. Not only will you want to be sure that the firm is reputable, but the individual attorney as well. You can check peer review ratings on various sites like Martindale.com to get a good objective indicator of their professional abilities and ethical standards, based on evaluations of attorneys by other members of the bar and the U.S. and Canada judiciaries.

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