A hormone imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body, this can be a common problem for many women as they age. Some hormone levels fluctuate throughout life and may occur due to aging, although other changes occur when endocrine glands are not functioning properly. There are many signs and symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. These will depend on which hormones or glands aren’t working the right way.
Several common hormonal conditions could cause any of the following symptoms:
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones can be described as the body’s chemical messengers, sending instructions to the body organs and tissues. Produced by the glands in the endocrine system, they help regulate major bodily processes like reproduction and metabolism. They have such an essential role in the functioning of the human body that even a small change in their balance can cause rippling side effects throughout the body. A hormonal imbalance means one has too much or too little of a certain hormone, which can bring huge changes to their sleep patterns, appetite, sex drive, and general mood. The condition has been associated with many things including infertility, loss of focus, depression and even loss of muscle strength. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat this condition at the vibrant woman health center in Lafayette. These methods help bring back the balance that hormones need for the body to function optimally.
Lifestyle Changes
The female hormonal balance is severely affected by the ingestion of alcohol and caffeine. Hormonal imbalance in women may cause infertility, thus in order to stay healthy, one should consider sticking to non-alcoholic drinks, decaf tea, and decaf coffee. Another change that can greatly promote hormonal balance is intermittent fasting. This refers to abstaining from food either continuously or during the day for a certain period. It helps improve the circadian biology and balance hormonal levels. Additionally, stress contributes to hormonal imbalance. Thus, one should use relaxation techniques to manage their stress levels. Relaxation techniques include yoga, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, or meditation. Getting enough sleep helps the body to rest and relax, but it needs to be routine. Lastly, obesity contributes to hormonal imbalance. Regular exercise helps regulate hormones that control stress, hunger, and metabolism. Even small amounts of exercise can bring huge improvements as it helps maintain a healthy body weight.
Dietary Changes
Zinc is an essential mineral required for hormonal balance. It balances the hormones that control one’s libido, thereby promoting sexual drive. An individual suffering from hormonal imbalance should eat zinc-rich foods every day for instance peanuts, dark chocolate, crab, and veal among others. For hormones to flow well, they need omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids create cell membranes, which make it easy for hormones to get to their destinations. Examples of food that have omega-3 fatty acids include eggs, walnuts, tuna, and oysters among others. Excess estrogen needs to be constantly cleared from the body, as it is unhealthy. Fiber is suitable for this purpose as it binds itself to the excess estrogen and comes out as waste. Foods high in fiber include fruits, grains, and vegetables among others. One should also promote thyroid health by limiting their intake of soy, as well as eating thyroid-boosting foods like milk and lobsters.
Seeking Medical Help
If an individual suspects that they have a hormonal imbalance, they can speak to a doctor who will run tests to detect nutrient deficiencies and determine if there is a hormonal imbalance. An underlying nutrient-deficiency symptom may be the cause of the hormonal imbalance in one’s body. For example, lack of iodine affects the production of thyroid hormone. The doctor might even recommend the use of oral contraceptives in order to balance any high levels of estrogen and low progesterone levels. One can also talk to the doctor about going on menopausal or testosterone hormone replacement therapy as a form of treatment. Hormonal replacement therapy is the equivalent of over-the-counter hormone supplements, which can balance one’s hormone levels.
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