Top-10 Metabolism Boosting Foods


Exercising and eating healthy foods are the two significant ways to boost metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories. These are tools that you can follow for a healthy lifestyle. If you decide to diet to increase your metabolism, you should know the type of foods that can help you reach your goal. Although you may not have the ability to control some factors affecting your metabolism, including your genetics, gender, and age, you can control what you consume. Certain foods have specific nutrients that help increase your metabolic rate.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and excess body fat around the waist.

The following are the most common causes of obesity and metabolism disorders:

  • Physical inactivity
  • Overeating
  • Genetics
  • HGH deficiency
  • Eating a meal rich in carbohydrates
  • Eating many times
  • Medications, like antidepressants and contraceptives

Other Metabolism Boosting Treatments

The following tips can also help you boost metabolism:

  • Do weight lifting
  • Take green tea
  • Try high-intensity workouts
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink coffee
  • Reduce stress
  • HGH replacement

Eating healthy foods can help you boost your metabolism and achieve or maintain a healthy weight. For better results, incorporate these foods in your meals and consume a balanced diet. Fill the form for additional tips to increase your metabolism each day.

By increasing your metabolic rate, you manage to shed weight to minimize the risk of obesity and naturally increase your growth hormone levels.

Here are the top ten metabolism-boosting foods:

1. Eggs

Foods rich in proteins play a significant role in boosting your body’s metabolism. Eggs have high protein content, with each boiled egg containing 6.29 grams, making them a perfect choice for individuals who want to accelerate their metabolism. Eggs contain few calories, stave off hunger for long periods, and reduce cravings and decline in blood sugar levels that tempt you to snack on sugary foods. Besides, they contain B vitamins, which help increase metabolism by converting the foods you consume into energy. Eggs are readily available, nutritious, and easy to integrate into any menu, implying you can use numerous ways to prepare and enjoy your eggs. You can have them for breakfast or include them in your lunch or dinner salad.

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2. Lentils

Lentils are another protein-rich meal that can help you boost your metabolism. They are nutritious and contain a lot of fiber, making them an ideal option for someone aiming to increase the growth hormone. Their high fiber content helps your body in regulating how it assimilates sugar. Additionally, lentils reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome- a combination of several conditions that maximize your risk of heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes. Thus, if you want to minimize your susceptibility to these disorders and boost your metabolism, include legumes, such as peas and beans, in your meal plans.

3. Chili peppers

Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical that can help you accelerate your metabolism by increasing the number of calories your body burns and make you feel full for long. According to scientific researches, eating food spiced with chili pepper helps you burn extra 50 calories daily. Capsaicin also reduces inflammation and pain, prevents cancer, and offers antioxidant benefits. Consequently, some scientists say that the compound may help treat various conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. However, do not self-medicate with chili peppers without seeking medical advice.

4. Spices

Spices contain natural chemicals that help increase your metabolic rate. They are high in capsaicin, which burns belly fat and increases your body’s ability to convert food into energy. For example, daily consumption of cayenne pepper accelerates abdominal fat burn, raises internal body temperature, and helps alleviate acute pain. Additionally, grains of paradise reduce appetite and improve the feelings of satiety. Thus, spicy foods can help you boost your metabolism and lose weight, although this effect may only apply to individuals who consume spicy foods frequently.

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5. Cacao

Cacao and cocoa are great treats that can significantly improve your metabolism. For example, research in mice indicated that cocoa and its extracts encourage the manifestation of genes that stimulate fat conversion into energy, especially in mice fed foods rich in calories or fats. Besides, a study suggests that cocoa prevents enzymes from breaking down carbs and fats during digestion. As a result, cocoa significantly contributes to weight loss by minimizing the absorption of specific calories.

6. Coconut oil

While your DIY beauty kit includes coconut oil as a staple component, it can help reduce appetite and increase metabolism when ingested. Coconut oil falls under the MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) category, which your body readily absorbs without using energy, and your body cannot store them. Besides, coconut oil assists in balancing good bacteria in your throat, which enhance digestion. Although coconut oil is saturated, it is ideal for cooking because its components help reduce cholesterol and prevent obesity. Unlike long-chain fats, MCTs increase metabolic rate and reduce waist size in obese people.

7. Oil

Healthy cooking oils, such as sunflower, olive, and canola oils, contain high levels of unsaturated fats, which have advantageous effects on cardiovascular health and play a critical role in improving blood sugar control for diabetic individuals. However, you should use oils sparingly because they are energy-dense and are rich in calories. Although they boost metabolism, too much fat in salads and foods increases your total calories.

8. Seaweed

Seaweed is a good source of iodine, a mineral needed to produce thyroid hormones and enables your thyroid gland to function correctly. Thyroid hormones play various roles in your body, including metabolic rate regulation. Eating seaweed frequently can help you meet your iodine requirements and help your metabolism run at a higher speed. However, some seaweed types like kelp are affluent in iodine, and thus, you should not consume them in large amounts. Primarily, varieties of brown seaweed contain fucoxanthin, a compound that helps increase metabolic rate and helps reduce weight by raising the number of calories you burn.

Related:   The Diet that Reduces Inflammation

9. Water

Drinking enough water keeps you hydrated and boosts metabolism temporary by regulating the calorie-burning process. Additionally, water also helps you shed excess weight. Thus, do not take water when you only feel thirsty. Try to take at least eight glasses of water every day. However, the effects of water on metabolism vary from one person to another.

10. Ginger

Adding ginger to your foods can raise body temperature and metabolism and assist in controlling appetite. Ginger helps reduce weight and glucose levels while increasing HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol. Ginger also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and may play a role in reducing nausea in pregnant women and patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Caralin Walsh

InnoVision Health Media reports on health content that is supported by our editorial advisory board and content published in our group of peer reviewed medical journals.

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