Condition Spotlight
Good health is more than healthy eating and exercise, it’s about having a healthy lifestyle. Information about these options are covered in our health tips. Over 70 percent of American adults and 20 percent of our kids are obese or overweight. Taking good care of your body is necessary to prevent health problems from starting and from getting worse.
To live a healthy lifestyle, you need to make healthy drink and food choices, exercise regularly, get quality sleep, stay hydrated, manage stress, think happy thoughts, laugh, quit or stop smoking and get regular medical check-ups. Tips to help you move toward a healthier life include: eat more vegetables, drink water not sugary drinks, meditate to reduce stress and make exercise fun or work out with a friend.
Chiropractic care is often underrated. That’s probably because many people out there don’t understand why it is essential to everybody’s wellness. It is a practice that offers relief to many without the use of medication. Read More
The exciting research in sleep science nowadays comes from labs studying the effects of getting better sleep on the brain and what happens when you deprive your brain of restorative sleep. New research suggests that Read More
Where would we be without coffee? It doesn’t seem to matter how many hours of sleep we get; we don’t feel completely awake and refreshed until we’ve dragged ourselves out of bed and had our Read More
If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you know how awful they can be. I, knock-on-wood, don’t often get headaches, but the ones I’ve had have been doozies and I have endless empathy for kids and Read More
Around 27 million Americans visit chiropractors every year. That’s almost three times the population of New York City! Most of us think of back pain, whiplash and skeletal injuries when we think of chiropractic issues Read More
While it may seem like something out of a science fiction movie, the truth is that our bodies possess an innate ability to heal themselves. From mending broken bones to repairing damaged tissues, our ability Read More
When the weather makes a shift, many people experience the familiar signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies—sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, and even difficulty breathing. But could ozone, an invisible gas present in our atmosphere, be Read More
If you have been working hard to take off a couple of pounds or if you are looking to begin your weight loss journey, you do not need to worry the holidays will interfere. The Read More
Cranberries are tart berries that are considered to be superfruits. They pack a potent punch of antioxidants, organic and fatty acids, fiber, and proteins, and all those beneficial traits can be applied to staving off Read More
Winter is here and many parts of the country have already been walloped with serious snow storms. But shoveling snow from your driveway can be more than just a chore — it can be hazardous Read More
Alternative Medicine is a great source of general health information. This section provides health tips to help you live a healthy life.
If you have been researching on healthy living, you have probably come across many books and articles on the subject. A significant proportion of such materials may have had industry jargon that is difficult for you to comprehend. Others may have been too detailed. While such challenges may exist, giving up on the quest for healthy living should not be an option given that it has the potential to keep you in good shape and extend your lifespan. We have simplified the approach to healthy living, and here are some tips for you
Good personal hygiene
You already know by now that personal hygiene is a prerequisite for good health. Make sure to do the following for improved sanitation.
- Daily brushing and flossing of teeth to avoid bad breath and a buildup of plaque
- Take a shower daily
- Wear clean clothes at all times
- Get your nails trimmed weekly
- Wash your hands after visiting the washroom
Proper Diet
While we all have to eat for survival, only an appropriate and consistent diet will ensure maintenance of a healthy body. Ensure you take three meals a day. Avoid skipping meals as they contain vital nutrients essential for normal functioning of various body systems. Without a steady nutrient supply, emotional and intellectual functioning are affected negatively. Some of the signs of such effects kicking in include fogginess, moodiness, and irritation.
Proper nutrition can help you maintain an appropriate weight while at the same time lowering your risk of chronic illnesses including cancer and diabetes. A balanced diet will give your body the required nutrients. For proper nutrition, consider ensuring that most of the calories you consume come from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and lean proteins. A proper balance of such food items ensures your body tissues and organs work effectively.
Physical activity
You should consider regular physical exercise as it lowers the risk of illnesses especially lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. A person who engages in physical activity is also able to enhance his or her physical and mental fitness.
For starters, take part in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Consider accumulating from 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Alternatively, you may choose to go for 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. A combination of both can also do the trick.
Regular medical check-ups
Having regular medical check-ups will enable you to determine potential health issues early and seek the appropriate treatment promptly. Early detection and treatment allow you to prevent severe deterioration of your health. You also get to minimize the medical costs that arise with health complications.