Tips to Manage your focus and wellbeing

If you work in an office role, sat at a desk or in front of a computer all day, it’s extremely important that you don’t neglect your workspace, and that you cultivate an environment that allows you to work at your best, without getting distracted or degrading your mental (and physical) wellbeing.

Here are some quick tips that might help you to maintain a positive and productive workspace – both while on the job and when working on personal projects at home.

Practising minimalism

Ever feel yourself getting stressed with the amount that’s going on in your workspace, with files, notes, and unnecessary clutter piling up on your desk? No matter if you work in a fully creative role or are simply filling out forms and information, you should try to keep your desk as clean and tidy as possible. Not only does the condition of your workspace reflect your personality to your peers and colleagues, but studies have also shown that a clear working environment can help to improve your concentration and work ethic.

Going green

Just because you’ve reduced the number of things on your desk and are going minimalist, doesn’t mean that you have to have an entirely boring desk with nothing going on. Having plants on your desk can be a great way of adding some life and vibrancy, and depending on which ones you go with, they can also help with concentration by reducing the toxins in the air and improving the air quality.

Another good idea for relaxation would be to get some incense or scented candles. Lighting up a scented candle on your desk at work might not be plausible, but if you’ve got some stuff to at home after a stressful day at work, then it could be a nice addition to help you relax and unwind.

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Working from home

We live in an age now where the traditional 9-to-5 is no longer necessarily the norm for working. Not only are a ton of different people working side projects in addition to their regular employment in order to earn more cash, but some people work remotely full-time, entirely freelance. With many more distractions in place than the average work environment, concentrating at work can be a difficult task, and so where possible, you should try to create your own private study/desk area, where you can focus in on the task at hand and get stuff done.

Tip – want to create the same sort of minimalist work environment that you have in your office so that you’ve got somewhere that’s calming and relaxing when you get back from a long day? Take a look at the designs of some of the properties offered by RWinvest. Slotting nicely into the city, their apartments have unique, minimalist designs in order to work around the restricted space provided by studios and one beds, allowing the young professionals living within them to work efficiently and get the most out of their home. This design idea could be something that you take inspiration from and try to work towards in your own apartment in the future.

Lights out

Did you know that poor office lighting can have an adverse effect on your eyes, mind and moods in work? Short of reporting poor light conditions to your superiors, there might not be something that you can do about it in work time, but at home, dim the lights accordingly and make sure you’ve got some inviting, warm lights that allow you to concentrate without headaches and eye strain.

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If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen, looking at your phone in-between when you’re taking a break, you can cause your eyes a lot of strain, and even potentially damage them in the long-term. Where possible, try and take a break where you don’t look at any electronics for a while, and try to have them turned off by a certain time before you go to bed.

Using screens right before you try and go to sleep can delay your body’s internal clock, making it difficult for you to fall asleep or disturbing the quality of the sleep that you have. All of these things can add up and ultimately affect the standard of work that you’re doing, and so make sure that you try and stay on top of them as much as possible.


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