TurmericAstin®- for a Healthy Inflammation Response


TurmericAstin® is a powerful combination of BioAstin® Hawaiian Astaxanthin®, Organic Turmeric Extract and BioPerine® Black Pepper extract. Two powerful antioxidants found in a convenient one per day formula to help control inflammation.

Research backed product has demonstrated support for:

• A Healthy Inflammation Responce
• Improved Brain Function
• Increase of Anitoixdant Capacity in the Body
• Immune Health
• Cardiovasculary Health
• Healthy Aging for Vibrant Skin

It is special because it is a powerful and naturally occurring carotenoid red pigment that is found in mostly marine plants and animals. It is often called “the king of the carotenoids” because it is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature. It is significantly more powerful than Vitamin C, green tea, CoQ10 and other types of antioxidants. It should be taken by anyone looking for a simple way to improve their health.
TurmericAstin® is the ultimate combination of two of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, BioAstin® Hawaiian Astaxanthin® and Organic Turmeric Root Extract (with 95% curcuminoids).  TurmericAstin supports a healthy inflammatory response.*  TurmericAstin contains 530 mg’s of Organic Turmeric Root Extract and 6 mg per serving of BioAstin® Hawaiian Astaxanthin®, plus 5 mg of Bioperine® to maximize absorption.   Try TurmericAstin for a healthier body and brain, as well as  support cardiovascular health. Learn more at Nutrex-Hawaii
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