6 Tips To Meal Prep On Low Carb and Keto Diet


A low-carb diet helps to keep your blood sugar and insulin level low. So, when the insulin level is low, you are able to burn fats from your fat cells. Insulin is the fat-storing hormone.

The keto diet focuses on eating extremely low amounts of carbohydrates, moderate protein and very high fat.

The keto diet was originally used as a tool for treating neurological diseases such as epilepsy. Studies have now shown that the diet can have benefits for a wide variety of different health conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

A ketogenic diet is when you use ketone as your primary source of fuel. Ketones are by-products of fats metabolism, so if there is a high level of ketone in your blood that means that you are burning fats. Here is the key to healthy eating, it is actually not cooking, but a meal is prepping.  Once you have the ingredients prepped, you are ready to go.

#1. Create a Menu Plan of What You are Making

Meal menu plans take some work and a great deal of forethought, but if you have the meal plan in place, you can always repeat them over and over again. Start by creating more than four menu plans and re-use them; you can also add more plans to the mix up for varieties.

If you need more ideas of what types of keto meals to prepare, you can check the menus of some meal delivery companies. Keto Vale has a good list that you can have a look. After all, these companies know exactly which meals are easier to prepare and can last longer in the fridge.

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Start by drawing a meals plan for the week ahead, and be specific on a meal plan. An outline like this, for each week; pasta on Monday, chicken on Thursday, and potatoes on Friday. This makes meal-planning prep stress-free, and everybody in the family knows what to expect.

#2. Choose the Right Tools and Equipment

To become an expert in meal prepping, you do not need fancy tools or gadgets, but you are going to need some simple tools that are going to make the process of meal prepping a lot much more manageable. So you will need some basic utensils, such as chopping board, a knife, pots of various sizes, spoons, frying pan, a cooking gas, an oven and so many more things you will need in the kitchen.

#3. Gather the amount of Ingredient

Pick simple ingredients and start simple. When you have decided on a recipe that looks good, write out the ingredients to be used on paper, for future reference. Go with the list to the market plus how much you need to buy food items.

#4. Choose your Meal Prep Day and Time

Decide to Cook more food at once. This will make it easier for you to put together different meals that you will need on a hectic day. Choose a day of each week especially weekends to prep as many meals you can. Invite family members or colleagues over to share of the food as a get-together.

#5. Divide the Dishes into Portions

Divide recipes into small re-sealable storage cans and store them in the refrigerator. It will help keep you from overeating and avoid wastage. Dishes such as soups, stews, and other meals can be stored using this method, freeze them.

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#6. Label the Recipes

After dishes have been prepped, packed them and label them, by tagging the container and its content. Write on each packet by the date and time the meal was prepared, the first dish to be eaten and mark out the expected food that will go bad first and start with those. Always check them from time to time, even if they are refrigerated.

In conclusion, getting the desired health benefits of keto diet takes conscious steps, and determination. It is not enough to read different articles on how to prepare the perfect keto or low-carb dish; you need to take positive steps towards your diet goals, and meal-planning is one of these steps.

Mike Miller

InnoVision Health Media reports on health content that is supported by our editorial advisory board and content published in our group of peer reviewed medical journals.

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