Tips for Helping with Sleep Apnea

dealing with sleep apnea

When discussing sleep apnea, especially in the more serious cases, the implementation of a breathing machine to provide constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) is often used at night during the sleep cycle. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea which occurs when the throat muscles relax. Many don’t realize that the issue can often be treated by executing a better selfcare routine which should be the starting point before more invasive measures are taken. Here are a few natural tips for helping with sleep apnea.

Maintaining Healthy Weight

One of the major contributing factors of apnea is obesity (specifically in the upper body). This can obstruct the airway and narrow the nasal passages, consequently increasing risk. Because these obstructions can cause breathing to stop suddenly or for certain lengths of time during the sleep cycle, maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Practicing Yoga

Regular exercise is good for us in general because it increases our energy levels and strengthens the heart. Yoga and can improve respiratory strength and oxygen flow. Because sleep apnea has to do with a decreased saturation of oxygen in the blood, yoga’s effects can improve those levels. Various breathing exercises can reduce sleep interruptions.

Using a Humidifier

Humidifiers add moisture into the air. When it’s dry, it can irritate the respiratory system and body. Adding moisture back into the air can open airways, decrease the congestion you’re feeling, and help clear breathing. Essential oils added to the water can be even more beneficial because lavender peppermint and eucalyptus oil aromas are known to be soothing and have anti-inflammatory benefits.

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Avoid Smoking and Drinking

As you begin to apply changes to your lifestyle to help with these issues, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles which can lead to snoring and inflammation of the airway, causing a blockage of airflow. The use of tobacco can also inflame airways and block airflow which could worsen your sleep apnea.

Proper Sleep Positioning

Altering your sleep position can be difficult because each individual person has a position that feels comfortable to them. However, changing the positioning of how you sleep can improve your night’s sleep and reduce apnea symptoms. Studies show that more than fifty percent of obstructive sleep apnea cases are position dependent. Changing the incline you sleep on, opting for a better suited mattress for sleep apnea relief, and even changing adjusting pillow type and position can help reduce breathing issues.

It can be difficult to determine the best ways to address health issues such as sleep apnea. These more natural tips for helping with sleep issues are definitely worth using to create a healthier lifestyle that could lead to the avoidance of having to use a sleep machine. At the end of the day, you’ll be living better either way.

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