Surviving Quarantine

how are you surviving quarantine?

Quarantine is a complicated process to deal with the unknown. Following are some tips on dealing with quarantine and isolation.

The year 2020 will be a memorable one for many of us. Most of us have seen a significant change in our lifestyle, working remotely, distance education, limited social activities and just a change from our norm has many lives turned upside down. And the biggest issue is we don’t see an end in sight.

The school year has started with many schools maintain a distance learning curriculum, athletics and other co-curricular activities have been canceled or moved out to the spring and our political landscape is at odds.

Besides the rising number of cases and fatalities with this pandemic, there has also been significant socio-economic, political and psycho-social impact. Millions of Americans are quarantined in their own homes as we have locked down to implement social distancing as a measure to contain the spread of infection. Those affected and suspicious cases are isolated. This social isolation leads to chronic loneliness and boredom, which if long enough can have detrimental effects on physical and mental well-being.

Quarantine can have a collective effect on diet, activity level and sleep quality. And significant changes to routine and lifestyle can result in a decline in metabolic clarity and an increase in toxic load, negatively impacting immune resilience. A recent national health and nutrition survey showed that only about 12% of American adults are metabolically healthy. Recently, industry leader Quicksilver Scientific launched a new three-month Quarantine Recovery Program that helps consumers start their journey toward optimum metabolic health. I had an opportunity discuss the program with Mindy Pellegrino, a nutritionist and QS Education Manager for Quicksilver Scientific.

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How does isolation, diet and exercise during quarantine impact metabolic health?

The stressful changes that have been forced on us through lockdown can change both dietary and lifestyle habits that can have a negative impact on health. These changes can create an imbalance in metabolic health. Someone with a healthy metabolism would have normal blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and be at a healthy weight. With months of quarantine, many of us have suffered from lifestyle changes that have impacted these areas of our health. Dietary changes, less exercise (all of those gym closures!), and a more sedentary lifestyle can do a number on blood sugar regulation, lipid numbers, and waist circumference.

Poor metabolic health can certainly cascade into other symptoms and health issues. But of most concern right now is how it can lower immune resiliency at a time when we want our immune systems to be functioning at full tilt.

Can you discuss the Quicksilver three step Quarantine Recovery Program?

Quarantine can have a collective effect on diet, activity level and sleep quality. And significant changes to routine and lifestyle can result in a decline in metabolic clarity and an increase in toxic load, negatively impacting immune resilience. A recent national health and nutrition survey showed that only about 12% of American adults are metabolically healthy.

Now a new three-month Quarantine Recovery Program from industry leader Quicksilver Scientific helps consumers start their journey toward optimum metabolic health. A growing body of evidence indicates that poor metabolic health, measured by metrics including impaired blood sugar control and excess body fat, can negatively impact immune system function. Considering the current global climate, it is clear that caring for your metabolic health has never mattered more. Following is an overview of the three step program:

  •       RESTORE (Month 1): During the first month, participants will begin with a gentle detoxification to upregulate proper liver function and restore functional pathways of elimination. Along with a whole-body detox, this initial segment is designed to help address antigenic load and immune imbalances within the body. Quicksilver Scientific products used during month 1 of the protocol includes Push Catch LiverDetox, Liposomal Glutathione Complex and Nanoemulsified Cat’s Claw Elite®.
  •       ACTIVATE (Month 2): The goal of the month 2 protocol is to further clarify cells and metabolic processes through the activation of AMPK and autophagy. This will help drive deep cellular detox and break down poorly functioning cells and excess fat mass. Quicksilver Scientific products utilized during this second month include AMPK Charge+™, Liposomal Glutathione, Ultra Binder® Stick Packs, and QuintEssential® Hypertonic Elixir.
  •       ELEVATE (Month 3): The final month of the program is designed to optimize metabolic health by rebuilding functional cells and lean body mass through NAD+, methylation and sirtuin support. This final month will help promote metabolic optimization in order to support a resilient immune system. Quicksilver Scientific products used during month 3 include NAD+ Platinum™, Liposomal Ultra Vitamin®, QuintEssential® Isotonic Sachets and Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract.
Related:   The Lingering Effects of Covid-19

Once the three- step program is complete what kind of routine should we get into to support the results of the program.

You may find that there are one or two products from the program that you want to continue taking to support your body. Everyone’s a little different here. An example might be to continue taking the Ultra Vitamin® daily for foundational needs, taking the GSH complex to support antioxidant defenses, using Hypertonic and Isotonic sachets for remineralization, or cycling the AMPK Charge+ product 10 days on/4 days off to maintain a clean-burning metabolism.  It may also benefit you to explore some of our immune products like Immune Charge+™, Vitamin C+ Elderberry, or D3K2 as we move into the winter months and are looking to supercharge our immune function once metabolic clarity has been established. Another option to come back to is the PushCatch® Liver Detox on a quarterly basis to keep your liver functioning well and maintain a healthy inflammatory response.

What should people see once they complete the program.

By doing a full 3 months of toxin removal, cellular clean up and activation of important energy pathways and foundational nutrient fortification, people may experience increased energy, stamina, mood stabilization, a healthier stress response, weight loss, and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Thanks- this great information and will hopefully allow peoples to better deal with isolation and help improve our immunity system to be ready for the cold and flu season.

We would love to hear about your results, so please feel free to reach out to us with questions, concerns and how the program worked for you. Good luck and stay safe!

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