Health Lessons in The Time of The Coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected different sectors of life in the world. Since the onset of Covid-19, the World Health Organization and other medical institutions in the world have been at the forefront of trying to contain the disease. Covid-19 is an infection caused by a virus from the Corona group of viruses. The infection is named Covid-19 because it was first discovered in the year 2019. The name, therefore, stands for the Corona Virus Disease of 2019.

Symptoms of Covid-19

Since the Corona group of viruses is responsible for many flu infections. It is easy to confuse Covid-19 with any other flu infection. Although the symptoms are almost similar, Covid-19 is more severe when compared with other flue infections. After infection, Covid-19 takes between two to fourteen days before the symptoms manifest.

Early symptoms of Covid-19 include fever and dry coughs. After infection, the body responds to the virus inform of a fever. This leads to a rise in body temperature beyond the recommended level. Since the virus affects the respiratory tract, dry coughs are usually a response of the system to the presence of the virus. Other early symptoms of Covid-19 are fatigue, headaches, sore throat, and nasal congestion. All these early symptoms are similar to those of common flu. Therefore, one cannot tell if they have Covid-19 by these symptoms unless they get tested.

After some time, more severe symptoms will be manifest. These symptoms include muscle aches, sudden loss of taste and smell, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. These symptoms are severe and can lead to loss of life if someone doesn’t seek medication on time. The shortness of breath is caused by an infection of the lungs by the virus. This leads to pneumonia, which causes severe chest pains and congestion. Once these symptoms manifest, one should call for medical assistance immediately.

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The severity of the above-named symptoms varies from person to person. People with a weaker immune system, such as the elderly and children, are at a higher risk of infection. Also, individuals with underlying health conditions such as cancer might experience severe symptoms. Covid-19 is a new infection that is still being studied by medical professionals around the world. This means that the above-named symptoms are not the only ones that might be associated with Covid-19. Thanks to the WHO, any other developments about the disease are delivered to the people.

Preventing the Spread of Covid-19

With the absence of a known cure for Covid-19, the WHO came up with measures to control the spread. Most of these measures require personal responsibilities of an individual while others have been enforced by authorities in different countries. Covid-19 is spread through contact with an infected person or surface.

One of the most encouraged control measures is hand soap, hand hygiene. The WHO directed that people should regularly sanitize their hands since they are likely to touch their face. Touching the nose, eyes, or mouth might lead to contraction of the virus which one might have picked up from a surface. There are several methods of sanitizing. As many people use specially made hand sanitizers regular hand hygiene, hand washing is also effective in getting rid of the virus.

Another control measure is to maintain social distance. Although Covid-19 is not airborne, the virus can stay afloat in the air for a distance of one meter. Therefore, keeping a social distance of at least two meters reduces the chances of contracting the virus. This is the main reason why social gatherings have been discouraged during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Since the virus is hard to detect within the first few days of infection, it spread to different countries by travelers. For this reason, traveling is discouraged as one may contract the virus when they come into contact with an infected person. It is advisable that one stays at home until when the spread is contained.

Maintaining a good diet plays an essential role in maintaining a good immune system. This prevents the chances of contracting the virus. A good immune system also gives one a better chance of surviving in case they get infected. One can find good meal plans and juicing recipes from an expert to develop a healthy eating habit.

Health Lessons in The Time of Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has greatly revolutionized the global health sector within a short time. The pandemic has unveiled the urgent need for health literacy among communities. There are many lessons one can learn from the pandemic. Other than financial and general lessons, the most important to note are health lessons. Some of the health lessons learned in the Coronavirus include:

●     Importance of Personal Hygiene

Since the WHO instructed that people should keep their hands sanitized, there has been a significant drop in other infections related to poor hand hygiene. The drastic drop in such infections is an indication of how important personal hygiene is in maintaining good health.

●     Importance of Preparedness in The Global Health Sector

Many countries were caught unawares by the pandemic. The outbreak of Covid-19 revealed the need for global health organizations to be prepared to handle another pandemic. Health organizations need to make sure the health literacy levels in their jurisdictions are at par to combat any other pandemic in the future. One of the main causes of the spread of Covid-19 was lack of knowledge about the symptoms of the virus and the potential ways in which it spreads.

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Personal Responsibility in Health Care

The coronavirus pandemic has taught the world the essence of personal responsibility in maintaining good health. Most of the control measures given by the WHO requires a personal initiative to be effective. For instance, one is required to identify the symptoms if they have any and reach out for medical assistance. Before the pandemic, many people ignored mild symptoms such as headaches and dizziness only to end up in worse conditions. The pandemic also raised awareness about healthy eating habits, something many people had ignored. To boost immunity against infection, people have found juicing recipes to be an important part of their lives.

Before a cure or vaccine is found, there is still a lot to learn from the Coronavirus pandemic. It is everyone’s responsibility to stop the spread of the virus.

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