4 Tips for Healthy Digestion This Season

The holiday season is full of so much joy and pleasure, what with spending time with family, eating delicious food, and celebrating the weather. You want to be able to experience all the joy in full and not be taken down by an angry gut in the middle of holiday festivities. There can be no escape from high-sugar, high-calorie foods, or their inflammatory impacts this holiday season. They can seriously derail healthy digestion and help pack on extra holiday weight. Research shows that this minimal extra weight put on during the holidays can stick with you for life. It is totally alright to indulge every once in a while, but be conscious of how much and what you are eating to ensure you and your gut are happy this holiday season.

While strict self-control is never on the menu during the holiday season, there are some lifestyle practices you can do to defend your gut health. With natural digestive aid supplements and other simple hacks, you can maintain a healthy weight and a happy gut while indulging in your favorite holiday treats.

How to Help Digestive Problems

Fiber for Digestion

Before you head out to celebrate, fill yourself up with a healthy, fiber-rich snack to prevent overindulging. Having more fiber in your diet enables you to detox, as well as lowers your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. After you have a rich meal or treat, have some fresh produce to give your gut some fiber to balance your biome. The more fiber that is in your gut, the slower sugar absorbs into your bloodstream. The slower the sugar is absorbed, the less inflamed your intestines can become. You can incorporate fruits and vegetables that contain fiber into your festive meals, such as green beans, apples, and pomegranates. Consuming fiber-rich food along with your rich treats will keep both you and your gut healthy this holiday season.

Related:   The Gut-Balancing Power of Probiotics

Water and Digestion of Food

One of the most essential ingredients for existence and digestion is water. Most of the population is chronically dehydrated, but water is amazing for digestion as well as many health-related issues. If you don’t like just plain water, try drinking beverages like herbal tea, coconut water, or chicken/vegetable broth. Staying hydrated can help stave off aggressive food cravings, especially sugary ones.

Exercise to help the digestive system

Exercise can help control your blood sugar levels, lower stress, and burn calories. The movement of exercise means that the muscles use more glucose and reduce the level of sugar in the blood. It is also a way to release some built-up holiday stress. Exercise doesn’t have to be extremely taxing or hard, just enough to get in touch with your body and take some deep breaths.

Try Gut Health Supplements and Digestion Relief Ingredients

If gut inflammation and digestion are things you struggle with on a normal diet, then take some proactive measures when eating rich, holiday meals this season. This can include probiotics, herbs, or natural food digestives. Give your body some support by taking some digestive supplements that will relieve indigestion and bloating. Certain probiotics and supplements will increase your body’s ability to digest heavy, rich foods as well as reduce post-meal sleepiness.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help nourish and support a healthy gut. Probiotic supplements supply the gut with healthy bacteria to help defend against the impacts of sugar and other inflammatory foods while optimizing digestive function, immunity, and a healthy gut environment.

Related:   Natural Ways to Treat Gastritis

If supplements aren’t up your alley, herbs and natural digestive ingredients make great alternatives. These ingredients include but aren’t limited to: galangal root, sacred lotus seed, ginger root, licorice root, tangerine fruit, cinnamon bark, and cardamom. These ingredients can help relieve occasional nausea, gas, bloating, and discomfort and support a healthy gut environment.

These ingredients contain proteins called enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that break down the foods you eat and are essential for healthy digestive function. Natural digestive enzymes include amylase, alpha galactosidase, protease, phytase, invertase, and lipase. They function as key enzymes that break down food and increase nutrient availability and overall gut health. Natural foods like pomegranate seeds and pepper fruit contain nutrients that strengthen digestive activity, support enzyme production, and balance intestinal movement. They also improve circulation to the digestive system and aid in the absorption of nutrients, while supporting healthy weight.

If you prepare with the right foods, herbs and supplements you can avoid common gut inflammation, and digestive issues that come with the overeating mentality that the holidays have. Avoiding inflammation issues can also aid winter weight gain and increase your energy for celebrating the season.


Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet – Mayo Clinic

Five Healthy Alternatives to Water | Healthfully

Diabetes and exercise: When to monitor your blood sugar – Mayo Clinic

Olivia Salzwedel

InnoVision Health Media reports on health content that is supported by our editorial advisory board and content published in our group of peer reviewed medical journals.

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