There are many preventable diseases associated with cigarette smoking, including lung cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A previous post also mentioned that smoking leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Acknowledging these risk factors can prompt smokers to quit for a healthier life.
There are many ways to kickstart your smoking cessation journey – from quitting cold turkey and calling quitlines to talking with an expert for behavioral intervention. However, research published in JAMA notes that while 30% to 50% of smokers in the United States attempt to quit each year, only 7.5% manage to succeed.
This is because the American Heart Association explains that established habits are hard to break. Aside from this, cessation often causes withdrawal symptoms like intense cigarette cravings, irritability, and sleep disruptions that can dissuade smokers. This underscores the need for an effective strategy that targets core dependencies and health effects. Evidence suggests that smokeless nicotine options may just be key to creating such a successful quit plan.
Why smokeless alternatives can boost smoking cessation success
The primary reason why smokeless alternatives are valuable quit aids is because they can address tricky smoker dependencies without emitting any more of the primarily harmful elements that cigarettes have. Research has shown that part of what makes cigarettes so dangerous is their smoke. This is because there are thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoking, dozens of which are carcinogens. In fact, even thirdhand smoke has been found to heighten the risk of serious pulmonary problems. Even among vapes, which are touted as “safer” cigarette replacements, the vapor involved still releases particulate matter that can impair the lungs. Inversely, smokeless alternatives prevent further lung damage while still keeping pesky cravings at bay.
Aside from this, smokeless products can help manage cravings without the use of tobacco, as they often use synthetic versions instead. The American Cancer Association says that by providing your body with nicotine in a way that does not make use of tobacco, you’re more inclined to taper your daily use slowly. An American Journal of Preventive Medicine study also found that a combination of counseling, quitlines, and smokeless alternatives can result in high tobacco quit rates because they create a well-rounded approach that targets root associations.
Here are some smokeless options you can consider:
Nicotine lozenges
One smokeless option you can consider is nicotine lozenges. These lozenges are small tablets that are dissolved in the mouth, where they release nicotine, with brands like Nicorette and Commit both containing 2 mg or 4 mg strength. A MedlinePlus article says that using at least nine lozenges daily can increase your chances of achieving success in cessation. A lozenge takes around 20-30 minutes to dissolve and is meant to stay as is – so don’t chew or swallow it – but you can use your tongue to move it around your mouth. You can consult with your doctor to know how many lozenges you should take each day, depending on your needs.
Nicotine pouches
Nicotine pouches are another viable alternative since they’re discreet, small, and easy to use – simply slip them between your lip and gum to absorb a controlled amount of nicotine. You can choose from the different brands available in the market, like On!, ZYN, and VELO, which come in different flavors and strengths. As an illustration, VELO nicotine pouches offer a diverse range of flavors, such as coffee, mint, and even dragon fruit, that are available in 2mg, 4mg, and 7mg nicotine strengths. These pouches are 100% tobacco-free, helping you reduce cravings without absorbing the harmful chemicals found in a cigarette. It’s also safe to swallow the saliva that these pouches generate, allowing for a comfortable, spit-free use.
Nicotine patches
Nicotine patches are another smokeless alternative that can aid your cessation journey if you prefer a non-oral format. These patches are convenient and easy to administer; you just have to put a fresh patch on your clean skin where nicotine will be absorbed and leave it there for the rest of the day. You can also choose from various brands in the market, such as Nicotrol, Habitrol, and Nicoderm CQ, which all come in different nicotine doses. Among the most popular are the Nicoderm CQ patches, which can deliver nicotine strengths of 7mg, 14mg, or 21mg, depending on how much you need to quit gradually. The best part about these patches is that they are super adhesive and are guaranteed to stay in place even as you shower or do strenuous activities.
There are many ways to help you stop smoking, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach to quitting. Combining these smokeless alternatives with other quitting methods can help increase the chances of cessation success.
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