A Daily Dose of Exercise


There are many benefits from a regular exercise program. The benefits from physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, no matter their age, sex or physical ability. And exercise programs have a wide range of activities; from simple walking programs to spending time at the gym, choose a program that works for you.

Why Exercise?

Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. That is the bottom line. There are so many benefits to getting regular exercise: a boosted energy level, increased serotonin levels, reduced stress and increased happiness, better brain health and memory, better sleep quality, and weight loss. The list goes on and on…

Sometimes it can be such a task to try to find the time to exercise, decide on what kind of exercise you like, and to keep up the habit of exercising. This can get overwhelming but remembering that exercise is supposed to be fun and fit into your life can help with the process. Exercise is fantastic for your mental health as everyday movement, even just a daily walk, is recommended by most doctors. Exercise is proven to make you happier, decrease your stress, depression, and anxiety levels, as well as promote an overall better quality of life.

How Often Should I Exercise?  

One of the quintessential questions asked about exercise is “how much exercise do I need?” Most adults need between 150 -300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. This might look like some daunting numbers, but it evens out to around 21-42 min of moderate exercise a day. Tailor your exercise to your body and what you enjoy, because at the end of the day, exercise should be something you enjoy doing. Whether it be going on a nature walk or playing pickleball with some friends, exercise doesn’t have to be a dreaded activity. Choose one or multiple activities that you enjoy and fit into your lifestyle. Exercise isn’t something that has to alter your whole schedule, but it is something that should be an essential part of everyone’s schedule. As 1-4 adults don’t get enough aerobic exercise, this increases your odds of an early death by nearly 20-30%.

Related:   3 Best Morning Exercises And Why They Help

Exercise Goals

Exercise goals come in many different forms as they are tailored to each person who sets them. There aren’t any wrong exercise goals, and they aren’t required if you want to start exercising. Some people love to have a goal to work towards and others do not like the pressure. Goals can range from wanting to run/walk a certain time or distance, or lose a certain amount of weight, to feeling confident at the gym or learning something new and having fun while doing it. Losing weight doesn’t have to be your focus to start working out, it is just a common goal of those who do, your exercise goal can be whatever you choose.

Best Time of Day to Exercise

The time of day you exercise isn’t essential to your progress, although earlier in the morning or mid-afternoon usually works the best. Ideal workout times are around 7am or between 2-6pm. Working out in the morning usually encourages you to keep up your healthy habits throughout the day, such as eating healthier meals and boosting your mood. Working out in the afternoon can be beneficial as well because this is when our body produces the most heat and your reaction time is the fastest. Both times of the day work great for different reasons, but the main goal is for the workout to fit into your lifestyle and for your lifestyle to not completely change around your workout as then it isn’t practical or realistic.

Safety Tips

When beginning the workout process there are always things to keep in mind to ensure that you stay injury free.

  • Make sure that you warm up completely.
  • Listen to your body, if you are tired or feeling sick, take a day off and rest.
  • Make sure you are doing exercise movements correctly.
  • If you are just starting to exercise again, take it slow and gradually make your workouts harder.
  • Static stretch after working out
  • Hydrate! Watch for signs of dehydration and overheating.
Related:   5 Best Exercises for the Fall Season

Exercise can be such a rewarding experience that provides you with so many benefits besides being in shape. Whatever kind of exercise you like and works best with your lifestyle and habits can encourage you to take control of your life and have more ownership over your habits. Most who exercise have better mental health and, overall, a better quality of life. Exercise makes you happier, relieves stress and anxiety, as well as builds confidence. What exercise journey you decide to embark on will hopefully be a rewarding experience.


Exercise: The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity (healthline.com)

Here’s how much exercise you need based on your age – TODAY

10 Benefits of Walking, Plus Safety Tips and More (healthline.com)

How Does Running Improve Your Health? (webmd.com)

Benefits of running: 10 reasons to start today (runnersworld.com)

14 Benefits of Strength Training, Backed by Science (healthline.com)

15 benefits of swimming: Weight loss and physical and mental health (medicalnewstoday.com)

5 Benefits of Cycling – The Advantages of Cycling Revealed – Cleveland Clinic – Cleveland Clinic

Best Time of Day to Exercise: When to Work Out (healthline.com)

How to Stay Active in Cold Weather | American Heart Association

10 Tips for Exercising Safely – Harvard Health

When is the best time of day to work out? | American Heart Association

Olivia Salzwedel

Olivia Salzwedel is an editor and writer for InnoVision Health Media with great enthusiasm for healthy eating and an active lifestyle. Her experience with running, gut-health, and dietary restrictions have inspired her passion for conscious, nutritious eating and living.

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