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    Alternative Medicine is part of:

    InnoVision Health Media

    3470 Washington Drive Ste 102

    Eagan MN 55122

    Please also visit our related consumer properties-

    • www.naturalsolutionsmag,com
    • www.delightgluten

    InnoVision Health Media is committed to providing information on holistic and natural lifestyle issues that address a variety of chronic health issues. Holistic living is about listening to your body and giving it the tools it needs to be healthy. Our bodies know how to heal we just need to give them the proper environment and tools to do so.

    Holistic living is about looking at the body and person as a whole and not specific body parts. Everything is connected, mind, body, and soul, and they all play a role in keeping us healthy and allowing us to live our best lives. The first way to start holistic living is to begin eating more whole foods in your diet. This is an easy and fairly simple practice to start – which is described by our company slogan “Food is Medicine”.

    We hope you take time to share your ideas.