Condition Spotlight

Recent research has demonstrated that diet alone may not be sufficient to supply the nutrients necessary for overall good health. While most experts agree that nutritional supplements are vital for a variety of illnesses, injuries, and age-related problems, vitamin and mineral supplements can also help to maintain optimal physical and psychological health, and promote longevity and chronic disease prevention.

Ever since the term vitamin was coined almost 100 years ago to describe the discovery of the essential life substances in foods, scientists have debated the issue of nutritional adequacy. Medical science has long held that healthy adults do not need supplementation if they consume a healthful, varied diet. Until recently, it was widely believed that supplements were only considered necessary if a person had an outright or “severe” nutrient deficiency, usually manifested by overt illness.

Top-10 Metabolism Boosting Foods

Exercising and eating healthy foods are the two significant ways to boost metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories. These are tools that you can follow for a healthy lifestyle. If you decide to Read More

5 Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

It may come as a surprise to many that the ketogenic diet was first introduced in the 1920s – and its purpose was not for weight loss. The medical community initially used the keto diet Read More

Is the Paleo Diet a Heart Healthy Diet?

The popular Paleo diet is based on eating foods thought to be available to our ancestors during the Paleolithic era, before the advent of dairy or processed grains. Findings from a small study suggest that Read More

Feeling Sluggish? Restore Your Equilibrium

Americans are tired, depressed, and overweight, for many our equilibrium is out of whack. We spend more than $100 billion on energy drinks, antidepressants, sleep drugs, and other products designed to help us feel different. Read More

Another Strike for the Western Diet

New research by scientists at the University of California, Riverside now shows that chronic consumption of a western diet leads to overeating and obesity due to elevations in “peripheral endocannabinoid signaling.” The endocannabinoid system is Read More

How does the plant based diet measure up?

What’s wrong with following a plant-based diet? Isn’t it better for the environment as well as our health? You might be surprised to find out that the correct answer to that question is, “not necessarily.”  Potato Read More

Health Benefits of Strawberries

Sweet, juicy strawberries, with their vibrant red color, can brighten up the flavor and look of any meal. Not only delicious, they provide a good source of fiber and contain antioxidants, which protect the human Read More

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Nutrition has become an important segment in the natural and holistic healthcare practices. Due to current FDA labeling regulations for nutritional supplements and herbs, health food stores and/or pharmacies are not allowed to present information regarding dosage or treatment of health conditions, regardless of scientific support.

In addition to disease control, nutritional supplements can help people cope with specific lifestyle, environmental, and emotional/psychological factors. Today, an estimated 80% of adult Americans take nutritional supplements, many on a daily basis. It is no longer just a fad, but part of a growing trend as people start to take a proactive approach to their own health. Although researchers are learning more every day about the connection between nutrition and health, there is still no definitive scientific “how-to guide” for this very complex issue, especially since each individual’s needs are different.

While it is always recommended that a person try to obtain as many nutrients as possible through the consumption of a variety of nutrient-dense foods, this can be unrealistic for many, due to the following reasons: reduced calorie intake; the dislike of certain foods; loss of nutrients in cooking; the variable quality of food supply; lack of knowledge, motivation, or time to plan and prepare balanced meals; and nutrient depletion caused by stress, lifestyle, and certain medications. This is where nutritional supplements can play an important role in filling any nutrient gaps.