Is Gluten Making You Sick?

Although gluten-free eating has increased in recent years—by people who do not have celiac disease—there are still many gluten-eaters suffering from symptoms that could be resolved by eliminating this protein from their diet. These people Read More

The Gut-Balancing Power of Probiotics

Let’s talk about what’s going on in your gut—specifically with your tiny gut bugs called probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that help keep you healthy. As “good bacteria,” probiotics help bring balance to your gut Read More

How to Make Homemade Sauerkraut in a Jar

What is Sauerkraut Sauerkraut (or kraut, for short) is a delicious, fermented condiment made with preserved cabbage, dating back to the 4th century, BC. It’s available at many health food stores, but did you know Read More

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

It may come as a surprise to you, since it’s often regarded as a trivial condition, but irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most burdensome chronic ailments being reported by patients in the Read More

4 Items to Avoid for a Healthy Gut

Your health and your gut health are closely tied. The trillions of bacteria that line your GI tract contribute to your immune system, you brain’s function, and risk factors for heart disease, obesity, and type Read More

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Researchers have revealed that gut health is crucial to our overall health. Your gut influences everything from your immune system to digestion and even your brain. Therefore, keeping your gut healthy is highly important. An unhealthy gut is associated with a wide range of health problems ranging from skin issues to hormonal imbalance, anxiety to diabetes, and even depression and various other issues. To keep your gut healthy, it is important to understand key signs of an unhealthy gut and how you can get your gut back on a healthy track.

In many ways, your gut bacteria has a big impact on many aspects of our health. In the past few years research has looked more closely at how this enormous system of organisms influences—and even improves—health conditions, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer. But understanding how the gut microbiota works, and how you may benefit, can be daunting.

This is a new frontier of medicine, and many are looking at the gut microbiota as an additional organ system. It’s most important to the health of our gastrointestinal system, but may have even more far-reaching effects on our well-being.

What does all this mean? Should you even be concerned about your gut microbiota? A healthy gut microbiota is still important for health. Anything that can feed good bacteria and keep them plentiful is good for overall health. When the gut is happy, you are happy.