What Typical Health Problems Are Faced by Students?

The college environment can be rather hostile when it comes to the health of the students. With all the pressure, stress, uncertainty and bacteria surrounding the students, it is no wonder that students are experiencing more health problems than ever before. The health complications, which are usually associated with the bad college lifestyle, can range from common to extremely severe, depending on how risky the student’s behavior is.

The problem is that parents, health care professionals, professors, and even students neglect and fail to realize the health risks students experience at college. Students are facing thousands of potential bacterial infections on a daily basis, and if add up the bad lifestyle, health problems of students could quickly reach epidemic levels. That is why we’ve decided to look into the typical health problems students are facing nowadays.

Mental Health Issues

Sure, bacterial infections sound pretty severe, but let’s start with a health issue that is not usually visible to the naked eye. Mental health issues are becoming the number one student problem across the world. Depression, anxiety and other mental health distortions are usually caused by excessive studying, the pressure to succeed, write a literature review with the help of PapersOwl, lack of sleep, drinking and abusing substances, and much more. All of these causes add up to the main reason students are leaving colleges and experience mental disorders in the first place. Each student experiences depressive illnesses differently, therefore, people fail to recognize that their student colleagues and friends are suffering.

Depressive illnesses are dangerous for a number of reasons; they are difficult to notice unless a student is showing serious symptoms, people don’t talk about these issues and depressive illnesses often end up in suicide. Professors, parents, educators and other students need to start paying more attention to the severity of this problem and advise students to seek mental health treatment.

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Cold, Flu, Sore Throat

Cold, flu and sore throat are probably the most common health issues students experience. Because there are so many people at campuses and colleges, it is quite easy to spread cold or flu bacteria; germs are everywhere and it is difficult to control whether you’ve caught or if you’re carrying the bacteria with you. Luckily, these health issues are easily solved. Regardless of how annoying these illnesses are, with the proper nutrition, regular exercise, good night’s sleep, and a balanced lifestyle, students can easily fight off and even prevent getting sick.


The spread of meningitis has become common within campuses and among students. Meningitis is a disease called by bacteria, or virus, which infects the lining of the brain and can cause death in the most severe cases. Meningitis is one of those diseases that is usually overlooked, but if we take into consideration the severity of symptoms and the fatality of the disease, the school administration should keep a close eye on this one.

The usual symptoms of meningitis can be confused with other illnesses, like influenza or food poisoning. However, if a student is experiencing high fever, unbearable headaches, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness and rashes, they need to immediately get medical help. If untreated, meningitis can cause students to experience seizures, as there were few such cases recorded on campuses in the USA.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Because students are prone to making poor decisions, alcohol and substance abuse have made it to the top of the student health problems list. Alcohol and substance abuse are a mixture of several other health problems, which can usually be tied to deteriorating mental health. However, drinking and taking drugs can cause numerous other health issues, as they increase the risks of catching a disease due to a bad immune system and deteriorating mental health.

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The diseases that usually accompany heavy drinking and drug abuse include numbers of STIs or STDs, as well as liver and heart diseases, increased risks of cancer, and other diseases that affect brain, nerves and muscle tissue. Statistics show that approximately 61% of students are abusing alcohol, drugs, or both, which is an extremely high number. An even greater number of students are regularly taking the so-called studying drugs, like Adderall, which further show the failure of colleges to deal with the issue of the overwhelming amount of studying material and the societal pressure on students to graduate and build successful careers.

Bleeding Nose

Usually overlooked, the bleeding nose is one of the most common health issues among students, especially those who have dry nasal membranes. Because so many students are experiencing different allergies and problems with congestion, nosebleeds have become a frequent occurrence on campuses. Not to mention the fact that nosebleeds accompany cold and influenza, as well as other health issues. Students who are taking anti-allergic or decongestion medication are also susceptible to sinus issues and colds, which often result in frequent nosebleeds. This health issue is, of course, not as severe as some of the aforementioned, but sometimes nose bleeding can be a symptom of serious health problems. So, it is always worthy to check out whether students are simply experiencing sinus issues or something more severe.

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