What Causes Acne Scarring

Acne is the bane of teenagers and those with oily or dirty skin as it can create unattractive sores and irritated spots all over the face, arms, back and chest. Acne can leave behind unpleasant looking scars that may stick around for a very long time.

Why Does Some Acne Cause Scars?

Anyone who has ever had acne pop up and spread across their skin will tell you that not all acne causes scars. So, is it only certain kinds of acne that cause scarring or certain conditions that lead to scarring? Let’s talk about it.

Sometimes, the pores of the skin will become clogged with oil, dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells. This can cause the acne to form there, engorging the skin cells. That’s how all acne gets started, but if that acne pustule becomes inflamed, it can turn into a nodule and become very irritated.

It will be painful and unpleasant and look different from the other acne blemishes. It may be redder or larger, so it will stand out.

As the pore wall expands, it can become more easily damaged, often resulting in a breakage. From there, the infected material can seep out and create a deep lesion. Shallow lesions will heal quickly and on their own. They should look smooth and clear after a short while. The deep lesions aren’t so generous. Those take longer to heal and can create scar tissue during the healing process.

Your skin will try to heal deep lesions on its own, and it will eventually repair the skin, but it may not cover the lesion smoothly. New collagen fibers are formed from the skin in an attempt to heal the damaged epidermal layer. The resulting new skin may not look very smooth. A noticeable scar can be left behind.

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Acne scars can be long lasting. Some of them will become lighter and not as pronounced over time. In other words, they will become harder to see, but they will still be there. They will still keep your skin from looking smooth and clear, and they may never go away on their own.

Having those kinds of scars on your skin can be unpleasant. You might not like how they look, worrying that people will find them unattractive. It could hurt your self confidence and make it hard for you to form relationships, make new friends and stand up in front of others in a public setting. You may be self-conscious about those scars and worry that the scars are all people will be looking at when they see you.

How Acne Scars Can Be Treated

You may not be stuck with the acne scars for life, though. Acne scar removal is a medical treatment process that can help to get rid of those unwanted, scarred skin cells and replace them with fresh, new cells.

Typically, treatment will involve an abrasive method or laser skin removal. Both methods can be kind of rough on the skin, leaving it red, raw and sore for a few days before it starts to heal. When the skin heals, though, the new skin can look flawless. The treatment method usually gets deep enough under the skin to remove all the damaged skin cells and then allows the new skin to form over it flawlessly and smoothly.

This may all sound simple and may seem like good news to you. However, you need to be warned that the longer you take to have treatment done, the less likely you are to get the scars completely removed. They become permanent over time and much harder to remove.

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That’s why you want to act quickly when you suspect scar tissue is forming. Contact a specialist like Dr. Wan Chee Kwang, 1Aesthetics for a consultation. Find out if you might be right for his treatment methods. He has had extensive experience with acne scar tissue removal and has had a lot of success with patients in the past.

Effective treatment at an early stage can help you get back your clear, flawless skin. If you don’t want to be stuck with acne scars for the rest of your life, then contact a specialist right away.

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