Federal law defines dietary supplement as products that:
- You take by mouth (such as a tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid)
- Are made to supplement the diet
- Have one or more dietary ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, tissues from organs or glands, or extracts of these
- Are labeled as being dietary supplements.
Herbal supplements—sometimes called botanicals—are a type of dietary supplement containing one or more herbs.
The amount of scientific evidence on dietary supplements varies widely—there is a lot of information on some and very little on others. If you’re considering using a dietary supplement, it’s important to keep the following in mind:
- Supplements you buy from stores or online may differ in important ways from products tested in research studies.
- Dietary supplements may interact with your medications or pose risks if you have certain medical problems or are going to have surgery.
- Many dietary supplements haven’t been tested in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children.
The word supplement in itself defines these products. They are not intended to replace a healthy diets, rather assist you in meeting guidelines established to get the nutrition and minerals needed to live a healthy lifestyle.
Do you have a vitamin D deficiency?
Insufficient levels of Vitamin D are more damaging than most people are aware. People think it’s just about bone health, and while this is an essential role of the hormone, we are reliant on it for far more. Read More
7 Herbs to Enhance Happiness
Many have suggested that being happier can also make you healthier, but they say fleeting positive emotions aren’t enough. We need to lower our stress levels and find healthful ways to mitigate depression, anxiety, and worry. Read more
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