This is How your Brain Reacts to these 5 Drugs

Addiction and stress are highly related and many people are slightly addicted to something, without even realizing. One of the common substances we take and eventually become addicted to is caffeine, which helps us put up with another day at the office after less than enough sleep. And caffeine is not the only substance humans often abuse.


Cocaine is one of the substances able to reach the brain very quick, no matter how you ingest it. According to rehab doctors from Suboxone Treatment Clinic, cocaine tricks the brain into believing you’ve done something great, leading to euphoria. This state makes you act like you are superior to everyone, just like you would do right after you’ve accomplished something amazing.

When you do cocaine, your brain registers the event as a happy memory. All the surroundings are being recorded in your brain as well. This is why meeting someone, going to a certain place or smelling something from the time you took cocaine can trigger the need to get it again. Studies on mice showed that the more time you take cocaine, the more likely you are to continue to take it.


Alcohol is one of the few legal drugs you can take, but is just as dangerous as the illegal ones. It blocks the area of the brain called hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memorizing. Heavy drinking prevents the brain from making new memories, leading to a blackout. Even if you still talk, you won’t be able to remember things you did while drunk. In severe stages of drunkenness, alcohol blocks multiple parts of the brain, preventing you to walk properly or diminishing your normal reactions.

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The effects of methamphetamine are similar to those of cocaine, but they last longer, which makes the substance even more dangerous. Once meth enters your bloodstream and reaches the brain, it stimulates the release of huge amounts of dopamine and other so-called happiness hormones. The initial rush includes higher pulse, while the following state of high comes with feelings of superiority and the idea that you are immortal. During the high you tend to be highly focused on random things.

Prolonged meth usage damages permanently areas of the brain responsible for memory, attention, movement, cognition, reasoning and imagination.


Cannabis contains multiple substances which make you feel good. One of these compounds is THC, which stimulates the release of dopamine, being responsible for the high effect. Another compound is CBD, which relieves pain and induces a state of physical relaxation. While smoking cannabis you ingest both substances, which alter the brain area responsible for anxiety, pain, movement and memory, so you can suffer from a large number of side effects, such as relaxation or mental fogginess.


Ecstasy or MDMA increases the levels of hormones associated with sleep, hunger, happiness and pleasure, like dopamine, serotonin and noreprinephrinee. MDMA increases the serotonin level so much that it actually empty the brain of this substance for a couple of days, so after taking this drug you often experience depressive states.

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