Signs of a Good Rehab Center

Over 23 million.

That’s the number of adults in the US – 12 years or older – who are bogged down by addictions, including drug abuse and alcohol addiction and prescription medication abuse.

As they say “everyone knows someone who is battling an addiction.” Odds are, you are battling with it or you know someone within your circle who is. Addictions gnaw at us, robbing us of our most productive years. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has revealed that substance abuse costs 600 billion dollars annually.

The last thing you would want is for a rehab center to rub salt in your wounds. A bad rehab center can make matters even worse. That is why your choice of a treatment facility is one of the most important decisions you can ever make.

Here are three signs that would give you a sneak-peek into the quality of any rehab center.

Quality Services

Sifting through rehab centers can be a strenuous exercise considering there are over 14,000 of such facilities in the US alone.

The way to cut through the clutter is to find out about the kind of service being rendered. You can start by engaging with their customer service. The way they interact and conduct themselves will let you in on whether the center is just looking to milk you dry, or they are really interested in being a solution.

A top-notch treatment facility will be family oriented and willing to listen to your perspective in order to help you address your specific needs. More often than not, they would be willing to discuss financing options, different kinds of therapies and length of the program. Additionally, they would be willing to answer all your questions.

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Excellent Track Record

In the addiction treatment space, track record is everything. It is not safe to entrust a vulnerable person into the hands of novices who are now learning the ropes.

The best treatment facilities would have patients who have gone through the mill and have come out successful. Such treatment centers do not only have a knack for getting people out of addiction but they also help their patients sustain their recovery for long periods of time.

If treatments are tailored to patients, they are more likely to succeed. Find out if the facility has implemented tailored treatment plans and what the results have been so far.

They Take Their Business Seriously

There are three ways to find out if a facility means business. Firstly, look at the amenities that the center has. Do they provide inpatient or outpatient services? Do they have state-of-the-art technology that can help a person recover?

Secondly, ask about the caliber of personnel who work there. Any company that takes itself seriously would prioritize its human resources. Ultimately, it’s not the facilities or the technology that would help a person overcome an addiction; it is the personnel whose expertise and care would make a difference. So take a look at the credentials of their staff and see if they are properly accredited.

Finally, a surefire way to find out if the treatment center you are considering is top-notch is to take a peek at how much they prioritize their marketing. A good rehab center takes its marketing seriously. Such rehabs use specialty companies such as Lead to Recovery to enhance their marketing.

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To Sum Up

In conclusion, choosing a  Philadelphia rehab center is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make, either for yourself or for someone else. Using the above-listed points, you can make the right choice fairly easily.

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