Everything You Need to Know About a Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a cosmetic technique that involves the transfer of fat to assist in creating more fullness in one’s backside. BBL surgery is a risky procedure that should only be done by a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Here’s more information on the Brazilian butt-lift procedure:

The Process

A Brazilian butt-lift is usually done under anesthesia. Since the procedure involves transfer of a smaller volume of fat, it might be performed with just local anesthesia.

After administering anesthesia, the surgeon uses the process of liposuction to derive fat from other body parts. Such areas include the hips, stomach or thighs. Liposuction involves making incisions on the skin and then utilizing a tube to extract fat from the body. The next step involves purification of the removed fat stores before injecting them into the buttocks.

Finally, the surgeon injects the processed fat into particular regions of the butt to initiate a more rounded, fuller appearance. They make roughly 3-5 incisions around the backside for transfer of fat.

Both liposuction and the incisions are closed up using stitches. After that, the surgeon places a compression garment against the target areas to reduce the risk of bleeding.

What are the Potential Benefits?

Different from other types of buttox surgery, like silicone implants, a BBL is touted for offering a more natural look. Also, it creates more roundness in one’s behind.

The treatment can also help to address specific problems, including sagging and shapelessness, which usually arise with age. People with figure imbalances that make it hard to wear clothes comfortably may also want to consider a BBL.

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Another advantage to a Brazilian butt lift is the lower risk of infection in comparison to silicone butt implants. BBL is safer than silicone caulking and sealants, which are injected illegally by persons not qualified to do the procedure.

The Side Effects

Similar to any other surgical procedures, Brazilian butt lifts carry the risk of side effects like:

  • Pain
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Loss of skin in the suctioned or injected sites
  • Lumps beneath the skin in the treated regions
  • Fat embolism in one’s heart or lungs

When the surgery is done wrongly, injected fat may enter the major veins in the butt. From there, it can travel to the lungs leading to respiratory distress and eventually death.

Furthermore, for some people, their backside might fail to take up the grafted fat.

Recovery and Outlook

Similar to other cosmetic surgeries, clients need to take special measures after a Brazilian butt lift procedure. After the surgery, a person might not be able to sit on their backside for two weeks, and will have to sleep on the side or stomach until the region heals completely. Additionally, the buttox might stay swollen for several weeks as someone recovers from the surgery.

Initially, a person might require more than one surgery until they achieve the desired results. It may also take up to half a year before a client sees the full results of the initial procedure. Patients can also ensure a desirable outcome by maintaining their weight.


A BBL can help people to achieve the shape they desire for their backside. However, it’s essential to be wary of super-cheap procedures that are too good to be true. One should always research a cosmetic surgeon and ensure they are board-certified to do the surgery.

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Insurance doesn’t usually cover a Brazilian butt lift surgery, because it’s not viewed as medically necessary. Interested persons should work with their insurer ahead of time to establish all the potential costs and see if they provide payment plans.

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