Tips for Overcoming a Relapse

Going through recovery following a struggle with substance addiction can be tough. Although the goal is to maintain sobriety, relapse is not uncommon. If you do begin using substances again, don’t give up on recovery. The following tips can help you reclaim sobriety and continue your rehab journey.

Connect with a Sponsor

If you have had a previous sponsor, reach out to that person again. Chances are he or she will agree to help you in renewing your recovery process. If you did not have a sponsor before, consider finding one now. You may be able to become accountable to a close friend or trusted relative if you do not know a professional sponsor to work with. Knowing that someone cares and is willing to be a source of encouragement and support means a great deal to those who are working through a relapse.

Enroll in a Rehab Program

Check for addiction rehab resources in your area. Chances are that you may find several resources to assist in your return to sobriety. These may include a rehab in-patient program, an out-patient program, or individual therapy to address underlying lifestyle issues that may be contributing to relapse. Getting help from available resources may mean the difference between success and failure or the rate at which you are able to sustain sobriety. Professional resources offer education, medical referrals, mental health assessments, and counseling for relationships and finances to identify and treat core problems.

Join a Support Group

Support groups provide a potential safety net of support for people who were formerly addicted to substances but are now sober or who have relapsed. If you have gone through a rehab program before, you may be able to rejoin a support group from the previous program. If not, there are many support groups in most communities where you can find people who share similar addiction problems and recovery goals and meet to help themselves and each other.

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Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones

People who experience relapse after overcoming addiction may do so because of falling into previous lifestyle behaviors. Becoming dependent on alcohol or drugs often relates to certain lifestyles and individuals who share the same struggles. For example, meeting friends after work at a bar while you are trying not to drink is not the best idea. To avoid temptation, suggest gathering at a coffee shop or restaurant that does not serve alcohol. Avoid friends who remain in an addictive lifestyle. Try new hobbies that are creative and enjoyable to avoid returning to a prior mindset of depression or anxiety, which may pull you toward substance abuse.

Live Healthily

Although it is possible to get addicted to substances while living a healthy lifestyle, people who stay fit through nutritious eating and regular exercise seem better prepared in some ways to avoid addiction or to escape relapse. Check with your doctor about things you can do to improve your physical and mental health. When you learn what drugs and alcohol do you, you may be even more inclined to avoid these substances at all costs.

Relapse is disappointing, but it is not the end of the world. Be aware that it is a potential reality for those who are recovering from substance addiction and take steps to prevent it. However, if you do return to substance abuse, try the above steps to help you reclaim sobriety.

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