Shilajit remedies — do they work? Science-based research says they do!

Anemias, resulted from acute or chronic blood loss, are a widespread pathology, which represents a certain danger for an organism and requires active measures directed to the fastest restoration of the lost blood.

We have to note that post-hemorrhage anemia results not only in absolute reduction of erythrocytes quantities, but is accompanied as well by reduction of hemoglobin, hypoferremia, hypo- and disproteinia but is also accompanied with functional states abnormalities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, oxidation-recovery and metabolic processes of nucleic and protein metabolism in hematopoietic cells and neuroendocrine- humoral processes.

In this research we are to identify the sequence of organism reactions, starting from the moment of blood loss all the way to the final effect on the level of a cell, organs and a body overall.

Analysis of morphophysical, biochemical and clinical indicators during post-hemorrhage anemia represents a task to develop a pathogenetic therapy for this pathology. Currently available anti-anemia treatments are not always effective. In some cases they even cause side effects and complications.

In clinical practice of internal disease doctors encounter often leukopenic conditions, the problem of healing which is still unresolved. This made us search for blood formation stimulators which could be used along with use of complex medications. Such stimulators to contain a large number of micro-elements and to have an ability to favorably effect the process of blood forming tissue regeneration as well as the process of protein and nucleic metabolism recovery.

Experimental data and clinical observations of multiple scientists let us assume, that mumie as a biostimulator, due to its complex composition and a white range of effect, that positively influence the matopoiesis and contribute to the station of formal element levels of blood and plasma protein composition during post-hemorrhage anemia and benzene leukopenia.

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All experimental animals as a result of phlebotomy (3.0% of the body weight) had a decrease in erythrocytes numbers, hemoglobin content, hematocrit indicators, decrease of serum iron, hypo and diproportionproteinemia, as well as a disorder of a micro-mineral metabolism. Almost all dogs lost 1.7 i.e. 7.8% of their initial weight.

The myelograms of dogs clearly demonstrated an erythronormoblastic reaction, mostly at the count of unripe forms of erythroblasts. The quantity of erythroblasts on the ninth day after the phlebotomy increased from 1.5 ±0.26 to 6.5±1.5% (P˂0.01), and the basophilic normoblasts – to 16.7±1.9% instead of 3.4±0.47% from the initial (P˂0.001).

Treating this group of animals with shilajit contributed to faster regeneration of peripheral blood and bone marrow. IN particular the erythrocyte  quantity was restored on the 40th day and hemoglobin in the 50th day of the experiment. In the control group the number of erythrocytes normalized inly on the 60th day of the experiment, and the hemoglobin content did not return to the initial state even on the 70th day of the recovery period.

Hematocrit volume was restored in the experimental group on the 20th day, and in the control group 10 days later, i.e. on the 30th day of the experiment.

Calculating red blood indexes is an additional objective test while estimating the treatment results for anemia conditions. Analysis of multiple erythrocyte metrics demonstrated that, the animals which received mumie (shilajit) demonstrated better saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin and a quantity domination of red cells with normal diameter compared to the control animals.

Beneficial mumie influence on hemopoiesis manifested itself in resistance of erythrocytes to acidic hemolytics. Within the treated group of dogs we have observed a shift of the right branch and the maximum of the acidic erythrogram, as well as an extendtionof the whole haemolysis process. This indicates the increase in the quantity of the higher stability young erythrocytes, which hence indicate the intensity of the erythropoiesis regenerations.

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In contrast to the control group, among treated dogs the reticulocyte reaction was more pronounce and long lasting. On the 7th, 14th and 30th day of observation this indicator 3-5 times exceeded the initial  value. This is a proof of higher regenerative activity of the bone marrow among the animals recieveing mumie (shilajit).  In the control group the puncture sample demonstrated a differenct picture. Leucoerythroblastic correlation among this group was 1,9:1,0, and the index of erythroblast maturation was 0,76±0,02 at 0.84±0.01 of the intitial (P˂0.01).  This shows the persisting delay in development of the cells in the red range, which obviously is conditioned by substantial sideropenia, disorders of the protein and micro-elemental metabolism, which was observed in the blood of the control animals during the whole study period.

The benifitial influence of mumie (shilajit) on hemopoiesis demonstrated on certain micro-elemental indicators in blood. So in the treated group the cobalt concentration restored on the 14th day, copper and iron – on the 20th day and serum iron – on the 30th day after phlebotomy.

In the control group the deficit recovery of the aforementioned elements was slower. On the 30th day of the experiment the serum iron in the whole blood compared to the starting value went down 12 and 9%. In 28% of the control animal hyper – cobalt and copper anemia was steady on the 70th day of the experiment.

Compared to other antianemia medications, mumie (shilajit) besides influencing the red blood indicator had a substantial effect on the protein metabolism.

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Introduction of mumie  (shilajit) to the experimental animals with the acute post-hemorrhage anemia not only led to shortening of recovery turns of overall protein and protein fractions (by 13 and 6 days accordingly), but gradually contributed to levels increases of these indicators in blood.

Therefore, administering mumie (shilajit) to the experimental animals with acute post-hemorrhage anemia, delivers a clear hemo-stimulating effect, which makes it self-evident in a more expedited normalization of peripheral blood and bone marrow indicators, serum iron content and certain micro-elements (copper, cobalt, iron) of blood, as well as total protein and some of its fractions concentration.

Positive influence of mumie (shilajit) on blood regeneration was found during benzol  leucopenia. Injecting benzol in the amount of 0.8 ml/kg of the animal weight during 7 days caused a typical benzol poisoning. Already on the third day after the last benzol injection, all animals abruptly lost weight, and the amount of dying animals went up.

Overall quantity of leucocytes in peripheral blood fell 3-4 times in comparison to the pre-experiment value. On the third day after the poisoning in the blood of control group rabbits the leukocytes number decreased from 7,8±0.43 thousand to 1,8±0,21 thousand (P˂0,001), which is 77% less, then the initial value.

The study of this animal group myelogram, indicated that an expressed depression of blood forming and the process of granulocytes ripening was taking place.

Nodari Rizun

Nodari was a co-author of the book: “Shilajit, the resin of life.” Out of respect for Rehmania’s guidance and wisdom, Nodari decided not to be mentioned as an author of the book but instead focus on quality and new generations of resin.

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