Nine Signs Your Loved One May Have Anorexia Nervosa


Anorexia can affect people of all ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, body weights, and genders. This problem affects more women than men. It often starts during the teen years. But it can also develop during childhood or in later years, such as age 40 and older. The number of young women ages 15 to 19 who have anorexia has increased every 10 years since 1930.

When a loved one has an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, the early signs may not always be easy to spot. The condition can become worse over time, and many of the symptoms may be hidden until it has progressed.

9 Physical Signs of Anorexia Nervosa

A Preoccupation With Food

A sign of eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, can start with a simple preoccupation with food. This may include weighing food and counting calories, as well as obsessively making food for others and not eating themselves.

Eating Rituals

Another sign eating disorder treatment may be necessary is the presence of eating rituals. Eating rituals are often performed as a way to consume fewer calories while appearing to be eating normally. Some eating rituals that may be obvious are cutting food into very small pieces before consuming or chewing food more times than necessary to give the appearance of consistent eating.

Avoidance of Social Situations Involving Food

When a loved one has an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, they may tend to avoid any social situation that revolves around food for fear of judgment. This can include making excuses to skip meal times or not going out with friends when they know the activity will involve food consumption.

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Strict Exercise Routines

When an eating disorder is present, there may be signs of excessive exercise in an attempt to burn calories consumed. While normal exercise can be a part of an average lifestyle, exercising for long periods of time, more often than needed, or to the point of exhaustion, can be a sign that anorexia nervosa treatment should be sought.

Problems Concentrating

Problems with concentration and focus can occur due to a lack of caloric intake or depletion of vitamins and minerals the brain craves.

Dry Skin and Nails or Hair Loss

A physical sign or symptom that eating disorder treatment may be needed is the presence of dry, brittle nails and nail beds as well as dry skin. This can be due to the lack of vitamins consumed and needed to keep the nails and skin hydrated and growing. Another symptom that can occur from this lack of nutrients is thinning hair or hair loss.

Difficulty Healing

When a loved one shows signs their body is no longer healing itself, it may be time to look for the best anorexia nervosa treatment centers. If the body does not receive the calories and nutrition it needs, the immune system can be compromised. As their immune system weakens, they may experience bouts of illness that last longer than normal, as well as slower wound healing.

Lack of Menstruation

A sign that the body is not getting what it needs to properly function is the cessation of a female’s menstrual cycle. This condition is called amenorrhea and can lead to complications with fertility or other functions of puberty, depending on when the cessation occurs. If this occurs, anorexia nervosa treatment should be sought to avoid further complications that may arise.

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Cold Spells or Fainting

With eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, the lack of nutrition can lead to problems with blood circulation, muscle weakness, and fatigue. As these issues worsen, it can lead to a feeling of being cold, especially on the limbs. It can also lead to issues with fainting spells when blood sugar levels drop.

If a loved one exhibits any of the signs and symptoms noted above, it may be time to contact the best anorexia nervosa treatment centers you can find to provide your loved one with the best chance for a successful recovery.

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