4 Types Of Teeth & Why You Should Take Care Of Them


You may not have considered this since your last tooth finally popped through your gums, but you have four different types of teeth. Our mouths are set up with teeth shaped and designed to perform certain jobs.  We need each one to successfully eat and process our food. After all, digestion begins in the mouth where chewing and saliva begin the process of breaking down food. So, our teeth and their four types are important. Consider this short yet jampacked article telling you everything need to know about the 4 different types of human teeth.

First, you have to know what they are called. So let’s get started!

Humans basically have four types of teeth: Incisors, Canines, Pre-Molars (or Bicuspids), and Molars. It’s really not that hard to differentiate them since they have distinct appearances and function. Let’s briefly discuss them one by one.


This is what you’d commonly refer to as “front teeth.” These teeth look thin and sharper than most teeth because they are used to cut, splice, or tear food apart. Each tooth has somewhere between one to four mini-teeth or spikes that root it to our gums. Incisors become thinner from the root up. If you eat big or hard chunks of food like meat, for example, the incisors play the important role of tearing the food apart so that it gets easier to chew. Since incisors are strong and sharp, they can easily chip away anything – even your nails! Try not to develop that mannerism though!

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The canines come after the incisors on the dental formula. They form the most prolonged teeth on your dental formula and total to four. They have a pointed edge and resemble the canines found in animals of prey, such as the lion. They have a sharp end and are well situated to tear food. They also help to guide food and position it to the necessary teeth for chewing.

Pre-molars or Bicuspids

This type of tooth comes right after the canines. There should normally be 8 pre-molars in every human mouth. Two on the upper left, two on the upper right, two on the lower left, and another two on the lower right. This type’s primary function is to munch or crush food. Of course, even after the incisors and canines cut and tore the food apart respectively, you still can’t swallow the chunks easily. The food still needs to be processed into even smaller pieces. Luckily, the bicuspids offer assistance in that department. They help munch food down into tinier pieces. When these get damaged, patients often have the option to save them by undergoing a dental filling procedure.


This is the last type of teeth we have, and the tooth we have the most of. There are a total of 12 molars, six on the upper jaw (3 on the left, 3 on the right) and another six on the lower jaw (3 on the left, 3 on the right). They are named according to where they are placed (e.g. first molar, second molar, third molar) and their main function is to grind food. This type is much flatter and thicker than the other types of teeth and they may have 4-5 cusps each. Molars basically process food so it is very easy to swallow. Since these are on the far end of the jaw, they are often the least maintained. Most decays start in this part of the teeth.

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Needless to say, all four types play highly significant roles in our everyday lives – especially when it comes to processing food. We are only granted one set of adult teeth in our lives. It is a must that we take care of them. Life without teeth is far more challenging than you know. Please don’t learn this truth the hard way.

Take better care of your teeth today!

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